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All AMD Processors Since Phenom II Have BadBIOS Circuitry That Leaks to the Military Anonymous 05/27/2021 (Thu) 16:38:02 [Preview] No. 182
Title gives my conclusion from empirical events I witnessed and inside info. PSP runs on the same circuit, but isn't the backdoor per se, which has been around for much longer.

Just like AMD was able to change the crypto algorithms for the Zen chip they licensed to China, they can change how the CPU behaves at any system, even those already deployed. This can be used to sabotage any program or computation, making BadBIOS (uses radio, not sound) vastly nastier than StuxNet.

American military made a grave mistake by giving access to the morons of the Brazilian military, who are letting knowledge of this spread like a fire (and misusing it for petty profit and inside jobs to justify a police state). Israel, UK and France also have access, but are much more professional.

Anonymous 05/28/2021 (Fri) 15:30:36 [Preview] No.184 del
I'm curious what (if any) effects this will have on the DNM scene. In the past it seems that only domestic intelligence agencies have had interest in busting the darknet markets. International agencies like the CIA and military intelligence appear to consider DNM drug lords to be small fish in a big pond, and I'm not aware of any instances of them using crazy super vulns like this in the wild.
curious what other people think the effects of this will be. personally I think this will probably be used primarily on terrorists, true enemies of the state, etc. drug dealers, not so much.

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