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Fundraising Cryptoweed Labresearch43 10/30/2024 (Wed) 21:53 [Preview] No. 446
Hi everyone.
We spent 5 years developping new GMO by inserting some cannabinoid genes in superprolific plants. This way, we were supposed to help maximise productions for pharmaceutical industry.
But now, we are on our own, dans need money.
So we organized a fundraisind. For every 20$ sent to our adress, you can have 2 random seeds from our last harvest, for every 500$ some plants from our next harvest.
Those look like normal weed, not cannabis.

Feel free to help us, donate at:
BTC: bc1ql93jjrwxfyz999js8g0hajc2df3zfkz07hnyz6


Then send us a mail at researchlab43@dnmx.su

Tor is almost broken to bits and pieces matey Anonymous 10/31/2024 (Thu) 16:16 [Preview] No.447 del
It is a frakkn' message board matey!
dnmx.su <-- compromised, seized by law enforcement last year.
SecTor is compromised also, they sold all of the data to LEA.
So did elude.in.
Stay safe ya'll

Stick to XMR, BTC is broken.

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