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Redch's non-egyptian owner has presumably retired
This is the main board now
/egy/'s Internet Index: https://rentry.org/egyyy

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(1.82 MB 1200x1400 8chan_Cup4_Logo.png)
/egy/ for the Infinity Cup 2020! Anonymous 12/05/2019 (Thu) 18:50:58 [Preview] No. 455 [X] >>458
Hey /egy/ptian friends, reposting here as I don't really know if the message will ever reach you, given the weird state of the 8chan/8kun servers...
We are currently streaming the group phase of the current year's 8chanCup (or as it's more properly known as the Infinity Cup) but due to the exodus and 8ch hiccups we've lost a few teams whose boards never really recovered.
Because of that, we thought it could be great if you guys could join us with a team of your own and participate in the next iteration of the cup, if you feel like it.
All you need to do is create a wiki entry of your own team over at http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page (use the layout of other teams as a preset), coming up with members/players that represent your board's culture and in-jokes, create a proper emblem and jersey combo and optionally choose strategies, skills and exportable 3d models using the rules set up at http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Rules and we'll make sure to consider your application for the future pot.

I should mention that we would also really appreciate if you came over to our cup's stream at https://cytu.be/r/8cup to spectate what the cup's really all about and to propose your own ideas to make it even better.
See you on the field!

(oh yeah I should mention, while the Infinity Cup mainly hosts boards from 8ch, it's not just an 8ch competition, more of an inter-imageboards one).

Anonymous 12/07/2019 (Sat) 23:51:51 [Preview] No.458 [X] del >>468
المسابقة عبارة عن ايه ؟,امل ايه عشان اكسب عشان مكسل اخش عاللينكات و اقراء ,اونلاين جيمز ولا ايه ؟

Anonymous 12/19/2019 (Thu) 22:34:29 [Preview] No.468 [X] del
It's a soccer simulation based on PES17. The reward used to be your board's name all over 8kun but the administration can't do much about it, so it's just a way for us to have fun together.

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