/egy/ - Egyptian Anons

.الحياة عامله زي الخيارة، يوم في إيدك و يوم في طيزك

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Redch's non-egyptian owner has presumably retired
This is the main board now
/egy/'s Internet Index: https://rentry.org/egyyy

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Anonymous 12/22/2019 (Sun) 11:26:17 [Preview] No. 470 [X] >>497
Is it safe to use tinder in Egypt as a faggot? Or should I hide my face? What if I put the setting on everyone instead of men or women

safe af rosansorror 05/01/2020 (Fri) 21:36:29 [Preview] No.497 [X] del

Anonymous 05/06/2020 (Wed) 02:16:01 [Preview] No.499 [X] del
First of all, 90% of Tinder users are guys pretending to be girls. And people don't usually use it for the regular hook-up app it really is. It's never safe to use your face if you're a girl planning to send nudes later, or in your case, a queer. It's my advise to have a kik account beside your Tinder, post some photos covering your face, and if someone interests you, and agrees to verification (live photo on kik), you can proceed. Now, this person, if he is what he claims, he will definitely understand your suspicious and worry, but if he's not real, or someone tries to mess around with bad intention, he will probably say that he's offended you need verification from him, in this case, you can tell him to fuck off.

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