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Self Development Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 16:01 [Preview] No. 902 [X] >>904
>le me
>a 19 year old bloomer
>got in love with a girl who isn’t decisive whether she loves me back or not
>got into weird shit that tuff’d me up
>recognize my self worth
> ditch her for something better and probably greater
>years pass by
>I’m way older, non-chalant, not wise at all but I’m way less depressed than before

I think all you need is a girl to push you into a rabbit hole to be better in life to be better. It’s like a unified male experience. A test we have to go through which is kinda funny because if it’s the same test for all of us, why we whine about it if the answers are clear and known for so much?

Like I got a better job, better friends, a new cute gf, way more absurd situations than what I got in my 19 year old phase but I’m far more relaxed in the way of dealing with. I became so confused whenever some guy act in a very incel like way in front of me. Like dude, get a job or touch some grass or something else instead of jacking off 24/7. The moment we all realize we are better than this the more cool you can be for real

Anonymous 10/02/2024 (Wed) 23:19 [Preview] No.904 [X] del
Fucker, you're on an image board what are you on about? you're still an incel lmao

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