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Anonymous Board owner 06/01/2024 (Sat) 10:05 [Preview] No. 64
sorry i wasnt active here a while, i switched to linux (on a laptop). resulted in just about every single file in another "loss". meaning my work from pre-2022/last year is like, all gone. original resolution, sketch versions... all gone.
though, yes it's disappointing; i understand... i also found some arts i wouldnt keep up or "like" again. (i'm still abstaining from taking new ideas or request however)
but don't worry, i've made sure i "backed up" everything. yeah. totally an easy idea for an archivist like me.
only thing i wanted to do with linux (specifically kubuntu, latest version) was to DUAL BOOT it, not replace the fucking OS.
but hey, least I'm slowly learning that too. as much as I am used to windows (11 and 10). never hated it, but I was too curious into trying another os. because unlike win, i'm sure the OS has an open source code.

Good news is, I didn't quit drawing! Though, I'm still likely to be drawing in private.

Anonymous 06/06/2024 (Thu) 19:22 [Preview] No.66 del
Now after hearing about the latest windows being spyware, idk about switching now.

Anonymous 12/24/2024 (Tue) 21:00 [Preview] No.78 del
Update again: I "accidentally" switched to windows fucking 11; and now I'm unable to go back to it without getting a warning regarding removing 9.54 gb. Which I CAN'T find for what reason.

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