02/14/2016 (Sun) 07:51:01
37 [X]
>>36forgot to put a description, as apparently thts what you do around here
Robert Cop has discovered a Drug factory. He proceeds to arrest everyone peaceably, but they refuse, so he murdificates them with extreme predijuce.seriously though i found a behind the scenes thingy on this scene thats pretty cool. may post it here. something else i learned from behind the scenes robert cop stuff isthat Robert's gun was custom made by beretta (peter couldnt remember specifically) and it was a big deal to get the gun into the country. i imagine because it being a machine pistol.
also peter weller tried doing a method acting thing, going so far as to hand out letters to the crew stating that you have to refer to him as whatever his character's name was at the time (Murphy or Robo) but Verhoven didnt give a shit, nor did his friend, who would fuck with him about it.
ill just post the videos cuz theyre cool.