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TPP YCH 02/09/2016 (Tue) 01:55:46 Id: 547d48 [Preview] No. 112
So with trans pacific passing, what will change for furfags, if anything? Or will it all stay the same? If things are fucked, are you guys just moving to a hidden service or what?

YCH 02/11/2016 (Thu) 05:26:06 Id: 547d48 [Preview] No. 113 del
So is lot's of art going to end up getting taken down, or just shitty porn?

YCH 02/12/2016 (Fri) 05:07:43 Id: ed6c20 [Preview] No. 114 del
(139.88 KB 805x995 wikileaks-tpp.jpg)
If the US congress actually allows this policy for the US, I suspect a larger minority of people to start adopting i2p for torrents and pirated content. For things like non-pirated fan made content, I suspect things to turn into youtube, where things can be taken down before corporations have the chance to attack a website. I suspect a lot of web hosting to move away from TPP countries. New Zealand is pretty cucked now.

YCH 02/12/2016 (Fri) 05:28:20 Id: 547d48 [Preview] No. 115 del
Don't people bitch to have things taken down all the time any ways? So basically nothing will change except less variety of pirated shit?

YCH 02/12/2016 (Fri) 05:44:12 Id: 547d48 [Preview] No. 116 del
Also, I was under the impression congress didn't have any say do to grade A faggotry or something?

YCH 02/12/2016 (Fri) 06:08:58 Id: e0a5c7 [Preview] No. 117 del
>larger minority
You overestimate the intelligence of the human race. If people were smart enough to use those avenues now they would

Congress has nothing to do with it TPP is "fast tracked" which goes straight to the president. They passed a bill earlier this year that special trade pacts go to the top and it was specifically for TPP and TIPP.

YCH 02/13/2016 (Sat) 11:11:01 Id: ed6c20 [Preview] No. 126 del
(110.85 KB 558x800 01_wikienv3.jpg)
I can't really ague with that, other than the fact that some sites are a bit more picky when it comes toward enforcing copyright see 8chan. I guess a lot of people will end up not hosting websites in the US anymore.

"fast tracked" means that the president only has control over negotiating the agreement, and that the deal cannot be amended or filibustered while going through congress. It can only be approved or denied. That's really bad, but it still can be stopped in the US - so long as representatives understand that no one wants this.

Look at how many people still use fakeboot despite it's awful tracking. What's even worse is that a large portion of facebook users use the mobile app, despite it's awful tracking and permissions. Look at how many normalfags have Windows 10 because it's "free." Now you think majority of people something like i2p? Again, I think it may be a larger minority of people, but certainly not a majority.

YCH 02/13/2016 (Sat) 11:51:23 Id: 3501b4 [Preview] No. 127 del

YCH 02/13/2016 (Sat) 12:03:27 Id: c4a0a4 [Preview] No. 128 del
>personally know people who are so technologically illiterate that they had to take their PC "to the shop" to get it fixed after Wangblows10 dun goofed upon installation
>"but I've got a shiny new free OS!"

No, you daft cunt, you're down however much you just paid the repair guy.

I am actually surprised at how quickly normalfags started to into torrenting, though. I thought for sure they'd be stuck on hosting sites for eons.

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