/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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(49.17 KB 675x675 Rules.png)
(266.25 KB 1591x1437 Rules.png)
(1.07 MB 300x300 TL;DR.gif)
Rules [upgrade] CoreGod 09/16/2020 (Wed) 12:52:40 [Preview] No. 364
Rules: Everything related to legal stuff (legality): Rules, laws, norms, regulations... Link:Morality,Global boundaries,Protocols,Limiting,Knowing the limits,Justice,Self-discipline,Programming language

Eternal laws: Trying to create only eternal/universal laws (without exceptions). Link:Eternal methods,Moral theory,Global plan,Global boundaries,Major decisions,Believe system,Eternal,Universal,Over the rules
Necessary laws: If it is better with that law than without it. Don't put unnecessary laws. Link:Essentials,All important knowledge,Logic,Prioritization,Core method,Core,Useful
Essential laws: At least the basics for the well-being of the whole life system. Link:Essentials,Universal aliveness,The well-being of All,All beings,Life,Well-being,Ownership,Sovereign,Peace treaty,Base control
Clear laws: Clearly understandable laws (by anyone). Unambiguous laws. Link:Unambiguous,Clarity,Ruler,Decisive,Understanding

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/143/rules

Do you know all the laws of the country (legal jurisdiction) that you are right now? Probably you don't know half of them.

Added a meme. TL;DR is an internet acronym for "Too Long; Didn't Read".

Freedom! CoreGod 09/16/2020 (Wed) 16:08:25 [Preview] No.365 del
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(555.13 KB 850x1209 208.jpg)
Rules: Everything related to legal stuff (legality): Rules, laws, norms, regulations... Link:Morality,Global boundaries,Protocols,Limiting,Knowing the limits,Justice,Self-discipline,Programming language

Eternal laws: Trying to create only eternal/universal laws (without exceptions). Link:Eternal methods,Moral theory,Global plan,Global boundaries,Major decisions,Believe system,Eternal,Universal,Over the rules
Necessary laws: If it is better with that law than without it. Don't put unnecessary laws. Link:Essentials,All important knowledge,Logic,Prioritization,Core method,Core,Useful,Free,Free will
Essential laws: At least the basics for the well-being of the whole life system. Link:Essentials,Universal aliveness,The well-being of All,All beings,Life,Well-being,Ownership,Sovereign,Peace treaty,Base control
Clear laws: Clearly understandable laws (by anyone). Unambiguous laws. Link:Unambiguous,Clarity,Ruler,Decisive,Understanding

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/143/rules

Rules destroy freedom, but some rules are necessary in order to have a decent life.

<unrelated pics>

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