/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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(264.95 KB 1481x1294 Source.png)
Source [upgrade] CoreGod 09/29/2020 (Tue) 10:14:48 [Preview] No. 374
Source: Source of all energy and other physical resources. Link:Physicality,Sending,Start,Ready,Essentials,Life,Abundance

Self-source: The energy come from us. We feed ourselves eternally. Link:Self-sufficient,All that it is needed,The beginning and the end,Field,Eternal,Sustainable,Self-preservation
Distribution: Fair supply chain. Wise sharing/dispersal of resources. Link:Coordination,Administration,Economy,Universal good,Command chain,Wise,Sharing
Come back: It is desired that resources are not lost in the process. All energy sent have to come back somehow. Link:Efficiency,No leaks,Full circle,The beginning and the end,Loop,Reciprocity,Attraction,Ownership,Recovery of energy
Feeding: Feeding other beings that may needed it (if appropriate and if we have enough resources). Nursing mother. Link:Generous,Sharing,Assistance,Sending,Morality,Abundance

The image-diagram is the same as >>267

<to be continued>

Source [upgrade] CoreGod 10/01/2020 (Thu) 13:47:45 [Preview] No.375 del
(289.41 KB 1477x1325 Source.png)
Source: Source of all energy and other physical resources. Link:Physicality,Sending,Start,Ready,Essentials,Life,Abundance,I/O

Self-source: The energy come from us. We feed ourselves eternally. Link:Self-sufficient,All that it is needed,The beginning and the end,Field,Eternal,Sustainable,Self-preservation,I/O
Distribution: Fair supply chain. Wise sharing/dispersal of resources. Link:Coordination,Administration,Economy,Universal good,Command chain,Wise,Sharing,Server,Ownership,Multitasking
Come back: It is desired that resources are not lost in the process. All energy sent have to come back somehow. Link:Efficiency,No leaks,Full circle,The beginning and the end,Loop,Reciprocity,Attraction,Ownership,Recovery of energy
Feeding: Feeding other beings that may needed it (if appropriate and if we have enough resources). Nursing mother. Link:Generous,Sharing,Assistance,Sending,Morality,Abundance,Never depletion

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/195/source

At the moment, we just "feed" people with ideas/theory (spirituality).

Some spiritual groups (new age groups) using the word Source as a way to name God.
For example: https://youtube.com/watch?v=SGxhi4pTh10 [Embed]

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