/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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(254.01 KB 1433x1270 Creation.png)
Creation [upgrade] CoreGod 10/05/2020 (Mon) 18:07:47 [Preview] No. 377
Creation: The manufacturing of new physical creations. Link:Creativity,New,Physicality,Co-creation,Curiosity,Memory,Development

Generation: Factory/maker where everything is made as planned. From possibility to physical reality. Link:Doing it,Design,Implementation,Physicality,Productivity
Combination: Able to create any combination of matter. Link:All possibilities,Powerful,Atoms,Re-creation,Order,Geometries
Accumulation: Precise assembly of matter. Link:Precision,Base control,Absolute control,Details,Machines,Actions,Atoms,Order,Patterns,Cycles,Ethical assimilation
Father/Mother: It is possible to create good souls. Creating intelligent life is not a light decision. Link:Goodness,Benevolence,Life,Feeding,Positive beings,Decision making,Major decisions,Intelligence,New,Resurrection
Deterministic agents: Useful created products (basic units of consciousness, very small machines,...). Link:Useful,Absolute control,Patterns,Machines,Programming

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/197/creation
The image-diagram is the same as >>269

I created God's Community, but the difficult part is to keep it alive.

Originally, I didn't create myself, but, I re-created myself over time, and in a way, I created myself as a new being.

Moms create babies.

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