/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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Transhumanism [comparing] CoreGod 12/25/2020 (Fri) 15:50:47 [Preview] No. 455
In this thread we're going to show the differences and similarities between transhumanist-like ideas and God's Community.

Ray Kurzweil (attached picture) is a public advocate for the futurist and transhumanist movements.

Biological immortality CoreGod 01/09/2021 (Sat) 12:10:41 [Preview] No.475 del
While some transhumanists are just happy with obtaining enough cellular control to obtain immortality, God's Community considers that the human body is very weak and insecure.
We seek to have a body than can be really strong, powerful and completely safe from any harm.

Advanced morality CoreGod 01/10/2021 (Sun) 14:18:15 [Preview] No.476 del
>>455 >>475
[Biological immortality. Continuation of >>475]
Obtaining biological immortality is a good first step for humans but not the last one.

Advanced morality

Most of the transhumanists/futurism talk is centered in technical aspects while morality/ethics is left out.
We know the difficulty of managing successfully a society/community of advanced beings, therefore morality is a key aspect for us (God's Community).
Benevolence and ethics (behavior control) become specially relevant when singularity appears, because uncontrolled advanced beings can easily produce a lot of destruction in a very short period of time.
All types of morality that humans are using, are not enough for complex beings; it is necessary a really advanced morality to guarantee a good future.

Beyond human CoreGod 01/11/2021 (Mon) 11:56:39 [Preview] No.477 del
>>455 >>475 >>476

We share in common with transhumanists the desire to go beyond the current human body, but not only that, we desire to have a divine body or body of gods. A body way beyond some transhumanists envision; a body with at least complete self-control, total self-awareness and fully self-sufficient, probably with time control and space control.

Merging with machines CoreGod 01/17/2021 (Sun) 15:47:54 [Preview] No.483 del
>>455 >>475 >>476 >>477

Some transhumanists suggest the real possibility to partially merge with machines (with implants, nanobots,...) while others transhumanists indicate the possibility of a complete integration with machines (for example: Copying the information of the brain into a computer).
We desire to have some attributes that currently machines possess but not humans, like great computation capabilities, without losing the best capabilities that the human body already has.

We desire to live in peace and harmony with intelligent robots (such androids) and intelligent programs (with artificial intelligence).

CoreGod 01/19/2021 (Tue) 19:55:51 [Preview] No.484 del

Singularity CoreGod 01/21/2021 (Thu) 05:36:43 [Preview] No.486 del
>>455 >>477 >>483

Part of the group of transhumanists speculate about a fast improvement/progress in technology because a fast learning/evolving advanced artificial intelligence, they call it singularity.
We desire to follow the path of fast ascension, but we are aware of the dangers/risks of rushing things up.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=15pOr1E6hvc [Embed]

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