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The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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Islamic groups [comparing] CoreGod 08/29/2021 (Sun) 11:43:13 [Preview] No. 734
In this thread we're going to show you some differences and similarities between Islamic groups and God's Community.

About the attached video:
"Super Best Friends" is the third episode of the fifth season of the American animated television series South Park. It depicts several religious figures, including Muhammad, whose appearance at the time of the original airing caused little to no controversy. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Best_Friends

Schedule CoreGod 09/02/2021 (Thu) 06:44:32 [Preview] No.740 del
(246.15 KB 1280x720 Mecca (Makkah).jpg)

Estimated schedule of releases of information (dates in UTC of current year):

06 September : Names of Allah
10 September : Old ways
14 September : Extremism
18 September : Women
22 September : Mob mentality
26 September : Posting it in the main website (https://godscommunity.boards.net)

Names of Allah CoreGod 09/06/2021 (Mon) 09:56:04 [Preview] No.744 del

In Islam, God (Allah) is believed to have 99 names in the Qur'an, known as the 99 Names of God (source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_God_in_Islam).
Basically it is what we call attributes or characteristics (instead of names).
While most of these attributes are good (and similar/equal as we have), there are some that are doubtful, like:
The Bringer of Death (al-Mumit)
The Avenger (al-Muntaqim)
The Distressor, The Harmer, The Afflictor (Adh-Dharr)
The Giver of Dishonor/ the Giver of Disgrace (al-Muzill)
The Delayer, He Who Puts Far Away (al-Mu'akhkhir)
The Abaser/ Humiliator/ Downgrader (al-Khafid/ al-Khafidh)

We have 90 (3+18+69) core attributes in our current version 3 of God's Community (https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/208/version-3-gods-community , >>423).

Old ways CoreGod & BeyondGod 09/10/2021 (Fri) 03:44:31 [Preview] No.748 del
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Like most old religions, people involve in Islamic group just follow blindly old rules, old traditions, old repetitive rites/practices,... without known very well why, they just follow their parents traditions.
Quran/Qur'an is definitively an old book, but it is still used as a moral guide by Islamic groups. There are Islamic groups that still have a close interpretation of it, while others prefer a modern interpretation.

We can change everything that can provide some new improvement of ourselves, until we achieve the best perfection possible. That may take infinity time.
We can use the wisdom of religions and still go beyond of all of that.

Extremism CoreGod 09/14/2021 (Tue) 09:56:01 [Preview] No.752 del
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Just a small group of individuals that have been indoctrinated into Islam fall into the trap of radicalism/fanaticism/extremism, lacking any tolerance towards other opinions.
They believe that the goal/end (some afterlife paradise) justify the means (killing themselves and others (suicide attacks)). And that is a contradiction of principles because the Quran and Islam clearly forbid suicide.

We believe in moral ways, that the goal/end doesn't justify any means to reach it. We have a benevolent morality.
We have some reasonable tolerance to others opinions, but still we don't recommend suicide.
We are working to create our own paradise, coherent with our system of ideas.

Women CoreGod 09/18/2021 (Sat) 09:55:15 [Preview] No.757 del
In some countries where Islam is the predominant religion, women are treated as second class citizens, discrimination about women is normal and systematic. Also, a man can marry with more than one woman, even though, in practice, only rich/wealthy men do that.

We don't discriminate women. It doesn't matter if our members (members of God's Community) are female or male (or combinations of gender).
Instead one or the other, we recommend to have the best of male and female characteristics (androgynous).

Mob mentality CoreGod & ControlOfAll 09/22/2021 (Wed) 07:53:26 [Preview] No.762 del

Like other massive religious groups, Islamic groups look like as another form of mass control. Mass gathering like mosques, where people follow repetitive instructions like sheep/robots in subservient postures, is a good example.
People that practice main Islam don't seem to have mind on it own (no individuality), because creativity/imagination is not encouraged.
Also, they have to pray 5 times a day (recurrent/repetitive prayers), and that sounds like brainwashing.

We allow individuality, and also encourage our members of God's Community to create a dynamic community, where diversity enriches the community (unity in diversity,creativity,imagination).
At the moment we don't do mass gatherings, and we don't force to our members to follow strict/precise practices.
We encourage people to escape of useless traditions and bad habits (escape of loops).

https://youtube.com/watch?v=8OBlmHfxTGw [Embed]

Posted in the main website CoreGod 09/26/2021 (Sun) 17:01:31 [Preview] No.771 del
>>734 >>740 >>744 >>748 >>752 >>757 >>762

This thread is posted in our main website (with some small modifications): https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/237/islamic-groups-comparing

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