/gwen/ - Gwen Enthusiasts

Board for Gwen enthusiasts and lovers alike, where we can share and appreciate artwork of our favorite Tennyson from Ben 10.

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Remember to follow the rules

Max file size: 350.00 MB

Max files: 5

Max message length: 4096

Rules Shaggy 08/23/2017 (Wed) 02:24:54 [Preview] No. 3 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
These will be the rules for this board. Anyone who violates these rules will be warned or banned depending on the severity of the rule broken.

1) No content featuring sexual violence, illegal activities, gore or mutilation. Illegal content (such as child pornography) will result in an immediate ban.

2) No posting personal information of another person. Doing this will cause an immediate ban.

3) No hate speech, harassment or abuse. First time offense will be a warn. Second time will be a ban. If anonymous and harassing someone, you will be banned.

4) Do not make comments, even as a joke, about being under 18 years of age. This board allows for NSFW discussion and posts, so if you mention being underaged then legally you must be removed.

5) No Spam in any of the threads. Spamming or flooding any thread will result in a warning or a ban if by an anonymous user. User's with names will be warned, ad banned if they repeat this behavior.

Anonymous 09/30/2017 (Sat) 17:12:02 [Preview] No. 6 del
what's your stance on r34 of gwen being posted?