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Occult thread Seeker 06/18/2024 (Tue) 22:08 [Preview] No. 22
The Art and Science of Throat Singing: A Multifaceted Exploration

Throat singing, also known as strupsång or khoomei, is a remarkable vocal technique practiced by diverse cultures around the world. It involves producing multiple pitches simultaneously, creating a rich and otherworldly sound. Let’s delve into the fascinating aspects of throat singing and explore its benefits across different domains.

Cultural Heritage and Spiritual Connection:
Throat singing has deep cultural roots among the Tuvin people, Mongolians, Tibetans, and others. It’s not just a musical technique; it’s a spiritual practice that connects singers to their ancestral traditions and the natural world.
Through strupsång, practitioners seek communion with nature, invoking the spirits of mountains, rivers, and animals. The guttural tones resonate with the vast landscapes, echoing ancient wisdom.

Physical and Mental Well-Being:
Engaging in throat singing exercises the vocal apparatus in unique ways. The vibrations stimulate the throat muscles, promoting relaxation and flexibility.
Singing with overtones activates the vagus nerve, which regulates heart rate, digestion, and stress responses. It’s like a massage for your nervous system!

Resonance and Healing:
Strupsång’s harmonics create intricate patterns of resonance within the body. These vibrations can have therapeutic effects, promoting balance and harmony.
Some believe that throat singing can alleviate physical ailments, from sore throats to respiratory issues. It’s like a sonic elixir for the body.

Creativity and Expressiveness:
Throat singing transcends conventional vocal boundaries. Singers explore uncharted territory, blending harmonics, growls, and whistles.
Artists use khoomei to express emotions, tell stories, and evoke landscapes. It’s a canvas where sound becomes color, and imagination takes flight.

Scientific Curiosity:
Researchers study strupsång to unravel its acoustic mysteries. High-speed imaging reveals the intricate movements of the vocal folds during throat singing.
Acoustic spectra and inverse filtering techniques dissect the complex sound waves, offering insights into the physics of harmonics.

Musical Fusion and Collaboration:
Contemporary musicians incorporate throat singing into diverse genres—ambient, experimental, and even metal. It adds an otherworldly texture.
Collaborations between throat singers and Western artists create sonic hybrids, bridging cultural gaps and expanding musical horizons.

Beyond Earth: Cosmic Harmonics:
Imagine throat singing as a cosmic language—an earthly echo of celestial harmonies. The overtones resonate like distant stars.
Perhaps strupsång connects us not only to our planet but also to the cosmic symphony—the music of the spheres.

In conclusion, strupsång isn’t merely a vocal technique; it’s a gateway to cultural heritage, well-being, creativity, and cosmic wonder. So, let your throat resonate, and may your soul sing in harmonious layers!


Aksenov, A. N. (1973). “Tuvin Folk Music.” Asian Music, 4(2), 7. doi:10.2307/833827.
Lindestad, P.-Å., Södersten, M., Merker, B., Granqvist, S. (2001). “Voice Source Characteristics in Mongolian ‘Throat Singing’ Studied with High-Speed Imaging Technique, Acoustic Spectra, and Inverse Filtering.” Journal of Voice, 15(1), 78–85. doi:10.1016/s0892-1997(01)00008-x.
Sundberg, J. (2015). Die Wissenschaft von der Singstimme. Wißner-Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-89639-959-5.

Seeker 06/18/2024 (Tue) 22:21 [Preview] No.23 del
“Unveiling the Veil: A Journey into Chicago’s Hidden Vampire Societies”


In the shadowed alleys of Chicago, where the neon signs flicker and the wind whispers secrets, lies a clandestine world that defies the mundane. Here, beneath the city’s bustling surface, thrives an intricate web of vampire societies—each with its own rules, hierarchies, and dark ambitions. To infiltrate these enigmatic circles is to dance with danger, but for those who seek forbidden knowledge and eternal life, the risk is worth it.

Section I: The Veil’s Fabric

The Masquerade: A Delicate Dance

The first lesson for any aspiring vampire infiltrator is to master the art of the Masquerade. Imagine a grand ballroom, its chandeliers casting fractured light upon masked faces. Vampires, elegant and aloof, glide across the marble floor, their eyes hungry for secrets. Blend in, dear reader, for the Masquerade is both literal and metaphorical —a dance of deception and survival.

Section II: The Covens

The Ivory Court

High above the city, atop the Willis Tower, the Ivory Court convenes. Their leader, Lord Lucian, wears a suit tailored from moonlight. To gain their favor, one must decipher riddles whispered by the wind and present a rare orchid plucked from the hidden gardens of Millennium Park. Beware, though — the Ivory Court’s elegance conceals a hunger that transcends mere blood.

The Alley Kings

Descend now into the labyrinthine alleys of Wicker Park. The Alley Kings, grizzled and scarred, rule here. Their initiation? A brawl in the dim glow of a neon sign, fists meeting flesh until the cobblestones drink crimson. Prove your mettle, and they’ll share secrets—like how to blend in at a Cubs game while sipping blood from a discreet flask.

Section III: The Eldritch Codex

The Tome of Shadows

Hidden within the Newberry Library lies the Eldritch Codex — an ancient book bound in human skin. Its pages reveal forbidden rituals: how to summon rain during a drought, how to silence a rival with a whispered curse. To access the Codex, you’ll need a library card, a vial of your own blood, and a willingness to bargain with the librarian, who has seen centuries pass.


Dear reader, tread carefully. The vampires of Chicago are not romanticized beings — they are predators, survivors, and architects of intrigue. To infiltrate their ranks, you must become a chameleon, shedding your humanity layer by layer. But remember: once you pierce the Veil, there’s no turning back. Eternal night awaits those who dare.

(Disclaimer: The above text is a purely fictional creation. Any resemblance to actual vampire societies in Chicago is coincidental.)

Seeker 06/18/2024 (Tue) 22:37 [Preview] No.24 del

Psychiatrist of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Commits Suicide

Anguished Suicide Note Cites ‘Deluge of Doublethink’ In Driving Kind-Hearted Shrink to Despair

By Michael K. Smith

Global Research, June 07, 2024
legalienate 8 June 2010
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Theme: History

Moshe Yatom, a prominent Israeli psychiatrist who successfully cured the most extreme forms of mental illness throughout a distinguished career, was found dead at his home in Tel Aviv yesterday from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. A suicide note at his side explained that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been his patient for the last nine years, had “sucked the life right out of me.”

“I can’t take it anymore,” wrote Yatom.

“Robbery is redemption, apartheid is freedom, peace activists are terrorists, murder is self-defense, piracy is legality, Palestinians are Jordanians, annexation is liberation, there’s no end to his contradictions. Freud promised rationality would reign in the instinctual passions, but he never met Bibi Netanyahu. This guy would say Gandhi invented brass knuckles.”

Video: The Mystery of Israel. “Reveals Something So Evil”
Psychiatrists are familiar with the human tendency to massage the truth to avoid confronting emotionally troubling material, but Yatom was apparently stunned at what he called the “waterfall of lies” gushing from his most illustrious patient. His personal diary details the steady disintegration of his once invincible personality under the barrage of self-serving rationalizations put forth by Netanyahu.

“I’m completely shocked,” said neighbor Yossi Bechor, whose family regularly vacationed with Yatom’s family. “Moshe was the epitome of the fully-integrated personality and had cured dozens of schizophrenics before beginning work on Bibi. There was no outward indication that his case was any different from the others.”

But it was. Yatom grew increasingly depressed at his complete lack of progress in getting the Prime Minister to acknowledge reality, and he eventually suffered a series of strokes when attempting to grasp Netanyahu’s thinking, which he characterized in one diary entry as “a black hole of self-contradiction.”

The first of Yatom’s strokes occurred when Netanyahu offered his opinion that the 911 attacks on Washington and New York “were good.” The second followed a session in which Netanyahu insisted that Iran and Nazi Germany were identical. And the third occurred after the Prime Minister declared Iran’s nuclear energy program was a “flying gas chamber,” and that all Jews everywhere “lived permanently in Auschwitz.” Yatom’s efforts to calm Netanyahu’s hysteria were extremely taxing emotionally and routinely ended in failure.

“The alibi is always the same with him,” complained another diary entry. “The Jews are on the verge of annihilation at the hands of the racist goyim and the only way to save the day is to carry out one final massacre.”

Yatom was apparently working on converting his diary into a book about the Netanyahu case. Several chapters of an unfinished manuscript, entitled “Psychotic On Steroids,” were found in his study. The excerpt below offers a rare glimpse at the inner workings of a Prime Minister’s mind, at the same time as it reveals the daunting challenge Yatom faced in seeking to guide it to rationality:

Monday, March 8

“Bibi came by at three for his afternoon session. At four he refused to leave and claimed my house was actually his. Then he locked me in the basement overnight while he lavishly entertained his friends upstairs. When I tried to escape, he called me a terrorist and put me in shackles. I begged for mercy, but he said he could hardly grant it to someone who didn’t even exist.”

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