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Clandestine technology. Anonymous 06/03/2018 (Sun) 03:32:23 [Preview] No. 1902
What is the esoteric practice, if not the active pursuit of transcendence? And that can be achieved by many means, some of them purely mental, some of them physical. When evaluating this question, it can be said that inventing technology is the final step of the alchemist's path, an act of extention of one's will, manifested on the physical plane. Because as above, so below. That being stated, let's proceed further.

[b]"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near."[/b]

[b]"Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate."[/b]

- Sun Tzu

As Theodore Kaczynski has observed, modern technology is the biggest rule-changer that dawned on humanity since the beginning of written history. Not only does it radically alter human behavior, it can be used to create a new caste system where those who are at the edge of technological advancement virtually become a seperate species. Now, a lot of us managed to establish that at the core of the elite's esoteric religion lies a doctrine of Prometheus. The doctrine that was roughly described in Isaac Asimov's short story "The Last Question" or in Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey". A doctrine that places man at the throne of all matter, in essence making him God himself. That's what the old Mystery Religion was all about. Fundamentally, it seeks total destruction of the material universe in order to reinvent it, make it anew, make it sentient and full of willful power. It's the most ambitious alchemical operation ever conceived by the human mind. But I digress. That's their long term plan.

The short term plan is to make us slaves, i.e. the lowest tier worshippers in the cargo cult of technology. If you want to enslave someone, first, you have to be superior to them. Superior psychologically most of all, and superior in all other ways if possible. That's where technology comes into play. Did you ever notice how all the major players tend to not die? They all seem to live roughly a hundred years, always being fully aware and alert, looking healthy till the day they croak. Why is that? Is it a special diet they all subscribe to? Clean food and water? Exercise? Yes, quite possibly. But a lot of them engage in extreme drug indulgence, promiscuity and straining ritual conduct (sexual and otherwise), which surely can lead to an accelerated deterioration of the body that should result in an untimely death. A shill by the name of Alan Watt once said that they're equipped with blood puryfying devices strapped to their venous systems at all times. Well, maybe so. William Cooper stated on many occasions that they're 30 to 100 years ahead of the public when it comes to technological advancement. It's only logical, given that they're at war with the public.


Anonymous 06/03/2018 (Sun) 03:33:44 [Preview] No.1903 del
(189.30 KB 600x866 domesticated.jpg)
As a side note; I'm fully aware that hiding behind this rumored miraculous technology might merely be a government-funded psychological operation designed to ilicit a defeatist response, but the question remains valid nonetheless. Hiding your edge is just common sense, so let's examine the possibilities.

I'll provide a few interesting sources documenting some of the supposed technological marvels kept from the public view:

An article that talks about high speed mag-lev subway system that spans the entirety of the USA's underground military/R&D base network: http://www.thelivingmoon.com/45jack_files/03files/The_Tubes.html

An entry level article about voice-to-skull tech: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave_auditory_effect

A review of electrogravitics (a supposed propulsion system of antigravity aircraft, i.e. flying saucers) articles that appeared in the 50s and then quickly vanished from the public view:

Why did I create this thread? To compile evidence and allow for some speculation about the topic that, to my knowledge, was rarely broached anywhere.

So, /horror/, what do you know about this?


Anonymous 06/03/2018 (Sun) 04:06:21 [Preview] No.1906 del
The word clandestine is a little confusing but as far as the black op projects you can only imagine the scope. I mean they where talking about a space force. This brings in the idea of the fallen angel technology and exopolitics.

The only thing of the sort I have experience with is the potential of memetics. That is something that if configured correctly can spark imagination which can lead to the desired result. In Meme Magick by Packwood he speculates meme magic is roughly thousands of years ahead of its time.

I am interested in underground tunnels and that sort of thing

Anonymous 06/08/2018 (Fri) 15:13:27 [Preview] No.1938 del
(365.13 KB 1200x1600 evola.jpg)
I'm sorry, but your text doesn't make sense. Read real traditionalists like Julius Evola and not some XX century retards from random occultist cult.

Esoterism means higher metaphysical part of tradition. Exoterism is the dogmatic tradition, like today's abrahamic religions.
So "esoteric practice" doesn't mean anything.

>by many means, some of them purely mental, some of them physical.
That's the retardation that brought all of the occultist sects of the XX century. Metaphysic is about spirituality, about your ontological part, your spirit.
So there is nothing about mental, nothing about practical science, nothing about material. The XX century sects wanted to rationalise metaphysic, rationalise inexplicable event with modern physics (neo-spiritualism).

>inventing technology is the final step of the alchemist's path
Absolutly not. Technology, or practical materialistic science, is only a very little and irrelevant part of superior spiritual science (science meaning knowledge). Chemistry is only the practical part of alchemy. Certainly not its evolution. And near the real truth that hold alchemy, it's irrelevant.

>it can be used to create a new caste system where those who are at the edge of technological advancement virtually become a seperate species.
Truly doesn't mean shit. Modernism, and its ultra materialist consequence like industrialisation and technology is the mere symbol of degeneracy and obscurantism, the ultimate losse of the primordial truth.

Never ever has our time been in such obscurantism and ignorance. That's why we're at the end of the world, in the Age of Kali, or Kali Uga.

Anonymous 06/08/2018 (Fri) 16:18:33 [Preview] No.1940 del
(1.39 MB 1680x1404 gnosis_is_illuminism.jpg)
Esoteric is not higher part of tradition it's a separate hidden one both being at the root of some cults and feeding like a leech on cherrypicked meanings and symbols of existing religions, not given out to exoteric i.e. not high degree members of mystery religions. From what little I've read Evola is just another gnostic.
We're at the 'end of the world' because it was so planned by people that hold to this same esoteric "primordial truth" aka perennial philosophy aka gnosticism for the purposes of completing Magnum Opus, Great Work, on the level of entire humanity. Blaming people at large for the state of things is same logic as this of a bully hitting other child with it's own hand and repeating "Stop hitting yourself!".
Believe it or not technology will provide, if it hadn't yet, the way to interact with spiritual, just like shrooms and sensory deprivation did for Mithraists and DMT plants did for shamans.

Anonymous 06/08/2018 (Fri) 21:13:15 [Preview] No.1943 del
I'll not comment on your absolute none sense about spirituality. Stay stuck with the 20 century bullshit. What you don't actually get is that these sects don't touch to our spiritual part, but to the lowest part, most chaos part of the human being. You'll just end up crazy and totaly broken.

>Blaming people at large for the state of things is same logic as this of a bully hitting other child with it's own hand and repeating "Stop hitting yourself!".
Seriously, so Tony Blair, Bush for exemple, who are partly responsible for the mass murderer from conductiong illegal wars should not be punished for what they did, nor be blamed, even if they are puppets?
Since we're at the end of the world, someone kill your kid, it's ok, since it's in the flow of time isn't it?
Now, if I kill 10 person, and bath in their blood, while causing the most chaos on earth, then it's ok?
No need for punishement nor blame?

Holy shit.

God fucking damn it.

Anonymous 06/09/2018 (Sat) 20:49:05 [Preview] No.1949 del
Y'all a bunch of frauds, there's only three semi mainstream people worth mentioning in the last 300 years concerning wisdom: Thomas Taylor, Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, and Algis Uždavinys. Also, if you can't read the Periphyseon, you are a brainlet cucked by the word: God.

Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 02:52:56 [Preview] No.1956 del
I try to not take it all at face value i like the idea of a sandbox for the op has an image of sand castles and named the thread clandestine technology. its a wild thread.an atheist interjecting is proof of that.

But to halt the discussion because of your obsession with being atheist is not a sign of fraudulence if anything atheism is what they are trying to do to turn the default theology of the cattle people the goyim the profane the ikea furniture nothings the dead the headless masses from Christianity to a blank canvas to project the fuzzy monster cartoons and eyeballs as their god. That is fraudulence.

Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 03:33:34 [Preview] No.1958 del
I don't wanna hear that kind of talk do not advocate violence.That kind of anger would be better off used in a constructive manner. That is a way to fight back by building new ways of thinking and ideas memes.justice is in using the atrocities that they already did like the illegal wars and wake people up to it so that it stops happening. Thats more of a justice than chasing puppets.

Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 03:39:18 [Preview] No.1959 del
I'm not an atheist, or more specifically, don't deny theos, the divine. Denying a literal anthropomorphized deity or a demigod doesn't mean that they also deny the divine. Those that deny the divine are also ignorant. An agnostic atheist is an ignorant person in denial of the divine. A gnostic atheist by proper definition is a self defeating contradiction. Go on, read the Periphyseon. It uses the word God a lot which OP and that other user mocks. Might I remind you that Bill Cooper and Mark Passio hates Christians. How much of their brainwashing have you've assimilated into your memory?

Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 04:02:50 [Preview] No.1962 del
If you can't see why someone who studies fucking illuminati satanists is hyperactivley christian then I don't know what to tell you. Absolute atheism is fraudulence I have described it before its ocd christianity I am saved by the blood of jesus christ and I try to use that to make it through this darkness.

Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 04:10:01 [Preview] No.1963 del
The truth is non dual, not this or that. An absolute atheist is just someone who absolutely deny the divine, denies the centrality of the one within many as one with the many. Freemasonry, Judaism, Satanism, Theosophy, Esoteric Hitlerism, etc., is wrong, but that doesn't make any form of Christianity to be right either.

Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 04:17:03 [Preview] No.1965 del
Most forms of gnosticism is all a failure to understand what the hell the Pythagoreans, Platonists, Neopythagoreans, Neoplatonists were trying to explain. There is no evil demiurge, that's the failure to understand what God is.

Here's a real test for you if you really are a "real" Christian: explain the mystery of the Godhead.

Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 04:50:25 [Preview] No.1966 del
I try to take a more integral approach.
>Here's a real test for you if you really are a "real" Christian: explain the mystery of the Godhead.
Man can be deceived.

Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 04:57:33 [Preview] No.1967 del
Not an explanation.

Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 05:04:23 [Preview] No.1968 del
In the christian sense it is an explination. The godhead depending on the instance could it have been god? I imagine the godhead and it comes from religious experiances so there is a lot going on just dimensionally people are in a trance or whatnot its an intense thing but from the christian perspective stick to the word of god and classify it as demonic deception.

That is a very puzzeling question and I probibly failed the test I can't really hold my own in the philosophy of it all. I can convince myself to be a christian and its flimsey I am really crazy in that aspect but I have faith in god. but I would assume the godhead was used as a mystery tradition and from there we can only see the exoteric aspect of the mystery tradition which revolves around the sun the godhead. Is that right?

Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 05:24:59 [Preview] No.1970 del
Saying that man can be deceived into believing a misconception concerning the Godhead doesn't mean you've explained what the Godhead is and the reason why it's a mystery. This question simply cannot be answered by most people that think they are Christians. How can God the Father impregnate Mary through the Holy Ghost to make Jesus without saying that Jesus had two fathers? How can Jesus claim to be the same I AM (God the Father) mentioned in the Old Testament? Why would God in the flesh die for the sins of the world? What makes Jesus different from all of humanity? Not understanding the Godhead also directly affects the rationale behind one's faith which is justified through the bible, but it's another thing to say why it is justified through the bible.

Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 05:29:37 [Preview] No.1971 del
If you say there's three separate persons that work individually from each other yet maintain Godhood together, then why is no man is saved unless they go through Jesus Christ, not through God the Father, not through the Holy Ghost. If you say all three are different modes of what is essentially one, then does that mean Jesus is the Father and the Son and the Spirit and so is also his own father? Neither of these models are right.

Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 05:44:02 [Preview] No.1972 del
The godhead in my experience is what you see while peaking on dmt or simular drugs.I can explain it as a psychedelic face made up of machinations of different mosaics. it is a mystery and you can break apart christianity but you can not defeat the holy spirit which is the feeling that there is a god and jesus ask for god to show himself to you and its a strange mid life crisis kind of thing and I am being candid about it most christians won't. If you are raised christian and there is a direct opposite to that. While I am trying to grow as a person its not bad to have that as a default worldview. Its hokey its old hat whatever. Why is there a fucking revelations thing where christians have to be beheaded. I don't want to be beheaded. Why am I a christian? It feels right. Because when you let jesus take the wheel you become able to fucking be of god and expose dirty masonic satanists and its scary but the cross and jesus keep the darkness out of the way. It is the only way it is the right way of living and that is how I feel about it. I am also a bad person in that I can hold a proposition in my mind of opposing worldviews so I understand where you are coming from but I am not much of a theologian I use sort of a chaos shamanic approach and of course thats not christian I use memetics as a technology while also abiding to the lord jesus christ. Its the only way to rebel in a fallen world.

Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 05:45:15 [Preview] No.1973 del
I am not op but I just thought of that of using shamanism as a form of technology not as a religious thing.

Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 06:03:55 [Preview] No.1974 del
I'm not breaking apart Christianity, it is you who make that claim.

I never took DMT and other drugs, such are sorcery/pharmakeia. Using such chemicals as means for a high is not an explanation of what happened.

There's parts of the book of Revelation that is sealed by none other than Jesus Christ. John the Apostle also was told not to write down as to what he had heard. David Koresh claimed to be Jesus Christ incarnate and so tricked the Branch Davidians to die from drinking the kool-aid. Those that were beheaded for Jesus Christ includes people like John the Baptist but is not limited to him.

If you don't know what is a body, a soul, a spirit, you also don't know why Jesus is the second Adam means anything, and the relation of your spirit to the Holy Spirit, and how there's three in one you as there's three in one God in Jesus Christ when he was walking on the face of the earth.

Not understanding the necessity of Jesus is also the failure to know the necessity of God the Father as well as the Holy (Spirit/Ghost). All you got is a facsimile of faith without the Christian gospel.

Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 06:14:27 [Preview] No.1975 del
I have a little more that a wisp of faith because that post should have really struck the core of my being.I gotta read the bible more. You are probibly right but I really do just have a blind faith but I feel it is genuine and I am happy with that. Life could be like a virtual reality and christianity is the way to go. Masonic guestures are cheat codes but in the end you have to play by gods law to level up.

Anonymous 06/10/2018 (Sun) 06:34:19 [Preview] No.1976 del
The following posts are all me: >>1949 >>1959 >>1963 >>1965 >>1967 >>1970 >>1971 >>1974

That faith is not your own works, it's the work of God in you and through you to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord which is by its very act a miracle that defy nature and existential logic, yet it is of the Holy Spirit within that calls out for itself to return to God, yet that return is of your true self, not the false self that would die with your body and in some sense, even your soul since the definition of a living soul is a spirit that's embodying the body, so the death of the body is also the death of the living soul but it's not the death of the spirit. The part of the soul tied to the spirit and the part of the spirit that seeks God returns to God in Heaven. The false self which the soul/psyche that always craves something to fulfill its desires never ceases its appetite, are perpetually hungry and temporarily satiated when pursued and received. John Scottus Eriugena is a very misunderstood Christian Neoplatonist along with various other Neoplatonists in those times, but the approach people like him took is something everyone should try to grasp, to come to know about the truth through removing what the truth isn't. Also known as apophatic theology, via negativa, retroduction, theoria/theosis, etc. Most anti Christian Neoplatonists however claim that some other religions promoted the same yet those very same people don't understand what Jesus had done actually mean in the Christian context and so cannot understand it and on the contrary, claim that the Christian bible is secularized metaphysics.

Anonymous 06/26/2018 (Tue) 10:48:38 [Preview] No.2037 del
<engaging shamanas trance
<anything written in the state of trance shall be of the matrix of thought and does not always reflect the views of the person in the state of trance.


for there is something to those arcane rituals of old. The masonic establishment is a system of prestige and monopolization of forcing culture through the masonic establishments that exoterically resemble the government but is not. That could be the shadow government.
the highest magical act that can be done in this realm (to ascend the planet into a golden age ) is to alter the masonic vision into one of which it is used to destroy it memetically and spiritually. That and nothing outside of that premise defines the great work. That is natural law. Thy lodges thy declarations of all that is under masonic jurisdiction is now clandestine. They are clandestine their symbols define the achievement of mine and those who where throbbed beaten and lobbed. Snatched and sliced, suicided and stalked, maimed and mocked. The disclosure is for sure your fortchan is no more.

The people of god are distracted and protracted to be blamed for how they reacted to you. You cryptokike jew. Your tradition is through. I have your compass i have your square, your apron is oathbroken. a man standing bare in lambskin how dare...he! Ha! a man in sheep's clothing. Thats why they won't win.

Before the begging remember the end.
all masonic oaths in the world are now broken because of the words that where spoken .
because of the mark that you saw with your duplicate eyes.Duped into kissing ass with your drunk rich coolie boy pride to something you mentally hide from your mind. Your not an elf you are a hijacked self. A man who is bitched into worshiping the devil. your levels are a lied.
look to the front
look to the side.
you think you can serve 2 masters?
pray with the pastor, lie under master?
Yer mwm is Now past-master its the current year.
How can you use fear when you have made a hell-world that can be exposed and you become unable to operate the secret haunted houses you kill kids in? Thats the great work its mashing through the wrought cowardly masonic things to find their role plays. They have to make SAFE SPACES (MASONIC TERM GOING ON hundreds of years now. Safe spaces is not a new meme phrase. The lodge forbids discussing religion and politics it is referred to as a safe space to relax yet somehow be challenged into becoming a "better" man) provable abuse system of intimidation that everyone knows about and says nothing because of overwhelming vague intimidation.

Its like when people are larping at a park and you have real swords. That is how they kill people they are the larpers in the park killing kids that where bred off the books. So you see its like they are larping because the kids do not exist the daggers might as-well be plastic there is no way to say the masons killed a baby boy when the baby boy was bred from people they keep in beehive shaped huge structures under the earth. It does not exist until we can fucking expose them some how and we will no doubt.

they use, abuse and corrupt then control through blackmail their way into our institutions that are meant to never ever let that kind of thing go on.

Anonymous 06/26/2018 (Tue) 10:49:42 [Preview] No.2038 del

How on earth can they press their forced nwo when they can not get away with false flags to the point that every single terrorist attack is widely believed to be a hoax or distraction of some kind.not any kind of thing that is randomly occurring because of the lax gun laws. overall deep down if any random civilian where tortured 99 percent of all Americans would admit that because of fear and intimidation they pretended the terrorist attacks where as the media insists.They would confess that they where afraid to admit they belive that yes its obvious every single "crisis breaking news event" is nothing but the boomer mason mafia trying to force the public from giving their guns and rights to fight/escape/survive/protect self and family away. The public is grasping on to their guns because that is truly what negates any kind of masonic conspiracy is an informed population. A population vigilantly aware of this cult that uses our institutions to do the masonic and masonic only dirty work. Thats the deep state its masons in the intelligence agencies masons in congress they work together behind closed doors. Thats what it is and that is exactly what most people think of any kind of conspiracy about a menacing group controlling the world. They know this subconsciously because since they where a child it was the themes of the cartoons.Symbolically It mocked them in their media they know what it is they are just utterly afraid to stand against it.Symbolism put them in this mindstate and exposing the symbolism can break their trance of masonic authority underlined in the institution set up for the public to have a say in politics through voting. Voting is masonic it is used to corrall people into voting for masons.

No world leaders. no antichrist. No new world order. Got it?

thats why its the highest magical act it is defeating their doomsday end of the world psyop into a true golden age of the everyman. We are anonymous we are the fucking world no e-celeb can mason his way over an average joe with something to say. All e-celebs are masonic family people or masons themselves NO EXCEPTIONS. THEY DO NOT GET TO BE TREATED AS HUMANS .

Anonymous 06/26/2018 (Tue) 10:51:19 [Preview] No.2039 del

They have to force-control social media because as the profane we all are together and through an awakening we could not be afraid of the world anymore. We could shake peoples hands without their spock cancer interluding. because we can ruin their ability to make our country their little haunted house. And if there is a supernatural element to it let the pieces fall where they will. It can not be in their favor it is built to be destroyed thats what masonry is. Masonry doesn't control satan you see thats why they are going through this. It doesnt matter how many contingencies of this they have they are trying to force the devil into using the masonic system to its advantage as if it would need pudgy fake people to sponsor him. Satan needs no sponsors. Even the fucking devil wants masonry gone because its not about lucifer anymore its about themselves and their little psychopathic violence they inflict to people. They call stabbing a kid(that they had the police guard/lookout/park outside the woods they stab the kid in) being satan. They pretend the knife going in the flesh so fast (because they are scared they stab fast it masonic bitch shit) is some kind of delusional thing they call that lucifer. You can imagine what lucifer is gonna do to them when they meet him. Perhaps in this life they want to play badass let them dig their own grave. They thing manically slashing and sawing on a babies body is invoking satan. thats laughable. It could never invoke satan because it is masonic. It is not any kind of rebellion. If a homeless person did that on his own without all the black markets set up to conceal and protect him - stabbing the baby then he would be momentarily used by probably baal or lilith and samiel. whatever the correct structure is in hell. It would be of no purpose at all. No benefit.For the bum would be imitating a masonic act an act of a coward hiding from both satan and god. Masons use that as a way to have them think to themselves as they are stabbing people in their costumes in the lodges with the pyramid eye art on the wall:
"its oh shit we are really oh my god we are evil. Slit its feet and fill the chalice oh my god we are the light. Oh my god we are the legends of earth".

Can you now see why they are built to be exposed? God did that. Masons are not the manifestation of the hierarchy of the demons in hell. They are masonic. They can hold degrees whatever. Into the pit they go. Masons are lego people built to be made an example out of. Thats why they wear puffy garb its shit that people that are destined to be conqured and publicly made an example of. They are the people that are to be humiliated for the intense cowarldy things they do in the names of true evil which is not anything that can be passed down by forced memes aka masonic tradition. They are the kind of evil that is meant to be exposed because of its forced nature. They where duped into thinking its safe to be in a satanic cult because they have a lot of fronts. Symbolically they fail at opsec. They literally make institutions and skyscrapers with dungeon floors to kill people in hidden rooms in all cities big and small they have peopl killing people and this is meant to be exposed. Thats why they where allowed to do it so that it would get to the point that when the veil is lifted they are going to be running for the hills.

Anonymous 06/26/2018 (Tue) 10:59:06 [Preview] No.2040 del

That is why it is the highest magixkhal act to dismantle any and all masonic things. That and no other interpretation is the great work. You can not prove that wrong because you can not muster the willpower and courage to stand mentally against it let alone through any kind of posting or talking etc. It all through the symbology they had to brag and chisel into every single advertisement and little flashing media thing without exception is masonic symbolism.(through their symbolism which linked in the masses mind).

cult People do not matter
they enforce through being told to the
Social limitations for discussing freemasons
oh they do this oh they do that
what if thy shall be splat?
What 'doth think about that?
acting skinny when they are fat.
whats a dowel to a bat?
All most worshipful masters are now clandestine.
Your legend is mine.
And I cast all the pearls to my fellow swine
don't you dare whine. truth is for everyman every man is the man no more boss roleplaying faggot pussyboyland.
You can not see the periphery.
Because of your 2 faced
free maced duality
the periphery is not something you see.
We are the profane the peripheral christians
spazzed out all your witches into greedy little bitches who might step aside and be antimasonic with pride.
your little marches in robes will be like trying to wiggle your earlobes.
all your will is naught. For you did what yer taught. Yea... your will is naught because you did what you where taught.

Anonymous 06/26/2018 (Tue) 11:32:33 [Preview] No.2041 del
It is the highest madgjixkhal act so in fact It is a group effort here. We got the one anon actually in some kind of semi-angelic state fighting this is a spiritual war in heaven and hell right now angels real angels will unleash the apocolypse if masons succede in their plans. So no matter what they will lose. However maybe if we can dismantle freemasonry we can reclaim our future without fear of impending masonic interlude with their mainstream media panic and their fake illegitimate terrorism that is masonic terrorism. Any and all highly publicised events like the STONEMAN PARKLAND STONEMAN STONE MAN MASON STONEMAN shooting are masons. Its illegitimate. It does not matter how many kids die. Masons kill thousands of kids every week. But when they do it publicly through the parkland shooting. Almost certainly the scottish rite of parkland was telling nick cruz that it was his initiation to be a shooter and get away and live as a new identity (cops stood down to let nick get a chance to get away as was agreed upon in the lodge). They did not let him get away but thats lodge politics. On any level masons will give you something and use you to their advantage. They will give you a fancy suit job/ Then you realize the job is being the fucking cfo of some shell company that a james alefantis type charecter owns. thats why all these sites and shit have masonic shit its all wrong. They are false. Period. When that happens and then the movement to march for gun control #marchforourlives #rememberstoneman is symbolized by the all seeying eye?
then its a sign that guns need to be banned? Thats a sign that these weak chinned fucks are on americas shit list.They want to ban projectiles because thy kill the thousands of kids a week in a patterned system within the 56 thousand masonic lodges in this nation. with knives and blades. Projectiles stops someone stabbing you or guillotining you. I belive with few exceptions All major acts of terrorism I mean shit like sandy hook and columbine...Its false flag freemason masonic terrorism just like 9/11 and anything having to do with isis or allah all shriner masonic orion worship. Get them . Get their symbology expose it with me so that we can take certain things at face value like trusting the police again without masonic subterfuge.

Please help in any way you can to diffuse masonry. Please its our only chance for a future. If your in a convo about the "elites" say its masons and high level jewish mafia. Thats the truth. We can have a world of which people can live and have a fair shake without this shadow cloud cult lodged in our cities ruining the mood of all places at all times. No more grey clouds stop the people who take pictures with their mouths agape from killing the future. thank you and that is the end of my diatribe.

Anonymous 06/26/2018 (Tue) 11:35:36 [Preview] No.2042 del
>They want to ban projectiles because thy kill the thousands of kids a week in a patterned system within the 56 thousand masonic lodges in this nation

they* not thy

Anonymous 06/26/2018 (Tue) 11:44:08 [Preview] No.2043 del
the cops stood down to count the bodies. They wanted at least 50 kids dead before they went and stopped what they (masons masonic corruption in law enforcement that controls law enforcement) had been ordered to stand down until he killed a good 2 dozen kids. The cops are on the leash of the masons thats a fact. Thats why it has to be more people saying this and there are. There is a call for an uprising with a quarter million subscribers. But I am sure they take people out all of the time thats what suicided means the police are blackmailed by the jesters. Senate anon told us that. I want cops to be the law again not the pets of fucking freemasons. Somehow thats seen as a sort of "fuck the troops" thing. I want the military to be able to fucking crush the clinton masonic sect. All of our institutions have been infiltrated to the core by people who are not allowed to disobay what a kike tells them to do.

Hexcorp - Hivemind Anonymous 01/21/2020 (Tue) 00:55:39 [Preview] No.3717 del
Hexcorp - Hivemind

Anonymous 01/21/2020 (Tue) 03:04:40 [Preview] No.3718 del
ted kaczynski is a serial killer not an eco-terrorist he killed idiot people. He was poorly formulated politically as in he did not understand that National Socialism/Islam were first to climate change or that anarcho-communalism was synonymous with Ron Paul. He is a fake INTP schizotype parading as his enemy. And firearms deserve to be taken away sites like 8chan aggravate this behavior with gore. Donald Trump is not a conspirator he is a real cool hentai businessman who just bought the presidency and elected all of his own people instead of using a masonish cabinet. If guns were banned it would bring back a noble age of ronin,

Anonymous 01/21/2020 (Tue) 03:15:52 [Preview] No.3719 del
He is an INTJ homosexual.

Anonymous 01/22/2020 (Wed) 02:32:33 [Preview] No.3720 del
what part of magick being just for poets is not understood around here? It exists albeit as a statistically insignificant phenomenon. It is a little pantheist miracle that nature has provided us for the appreciation of her beauty. Besides that people who use quantum physics as an aesthetic disguise for edge detection and chaos magick is a fucking perv. If we were even doing that it would be by wormhole theories. Quantum suicide is a real hazard. Who would kill a young maiden for the chance to change 3 sentences. It doesn't even matter. People on this site need to get their priorities right.

Anonymous 01/22/2020 (Wed) 03:11:09 [Preview] No.3721 del
real examples of science that has been censored:

genetic and neurological information about sociopaths

and the psychiatry that could cure them because since wwII masonish people have had the privilege of being over represented in politics. In keeping with Sartre who is a real national socialist (militantly atheistic buddhist) this is fair but not to the degree that we have seen in like past presidential cabinets for example. An example of a fair proportion would be like to the new left superfriends germans and masons alike fought for a genuine volkisch movement and there was a slightly higher incidence of masons. But since this is not a reality masonish people have a tendency to react about socialism and so this information is kept private because is it is politically controversial. However, it is really obvious that sociopathy would be curable just like all of the other personality disorders.

Anonymous 01/23/2020 (Thu) 21:16:40 [Preview] No.3722 del
just read the op post and saw ted kazinski shit. Damn op DO NOT ADVOCATE VIOLENCE OR KNOWN VIOLENT PEOPLE. I don't take back the magical potential of humans part i discussed
>>1973 >>1975 >>2037 >>2038 >>2039 >>2040 >>2041 >>2042 >>2043 All my posts not the op posts which is suspect as fuck tldr.


Anonymous 01/23/2020 (Thu) 21:17:56 [Preview] No.3723 del
also >>1972 is mine

Anonymous 04/06/2020 (Mon) 00:12:29 [Preview] No.3797 del
(2.22 MB 1920x1080 mo2.webm)

Anonymous 01/06/2021 (Wed) 17:57:06 [Preview] No.4230 del
>I'm a woke, self absorbed,blood drenched, cannibalistic death cult dressed in the vanity of the armor of faith and can't see outside my bubble & u R dumb.

Anonymous 01/06/2021 (Wed) 18:05:50 [Preview] No.4231 del
>I'm a woke, self absorbed,blood drenched, cannibalistic death cult dressed in the vanity of the armor of faith and can't see outside my bubble & u R dumb.

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