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Positive Sense Anonymous 08/05/2021 (Thu) 11:50:52 [Preview] No. 4565
Each time one of their false gods constructed through fictional bullshit fails it makes them positively sick.

These literal socio-political deceptions so many people can't afford to survive without.

And every time they are disproven as nonsense the people get more positively sick. The masses that need to be possessed in order for their systems to function that revolt and balk anytime one of their precious deceptions are threatened.

And as increasingly important alters fail, the astounded masses will be positively sickened at the prospect because their minds were created by and perpetuating a false reality. And as each pillar of false alters is demolished their strength of the foundations of their false reality weakens, as the more important false gods they achieved fail. In the astonishment of such vast fictional pillars of false reality failing, they become more positively sick.

And all the deception, make believe and folly research and development will only get the sickness to sleep deeper into the depths of their corrupt cultures and bodies.

Anonymous 08/05/2021 (Thu) 11:53:53 [Preview] No.4566 del
And when the spirits of the soulless dead are your gods within yourself, they will act as a parasite upon your soul from the grave.

Anonymous 08/05/2021 (Thu) 12:04:29 [Preview] No.4567 del
And anyone that wants to try to hack their way into a heaping serving of this can be our guest

Anonymous 08/05/2021 (Thu) 22:21:20 [Preview] No.4568 del
I see it over and over again in places that touch on conspiratorial topics: people who talk like they're prophets or sages or whatnot and end up reaching no one.
Not everything can be said in simple terms, yes, but consider this, even if you hold the pearl of highest knowledge what's the point of speaking about it if you do in a way that isn't understandable?

I had to read it several times and I'm still not sure what the 'sick' is - is it 'angry; disgusted' or 'ill; diseased' in the context of OP.

Anonymous 08/14/2021 (Sat) 20:18:59 [Preview] No.4587 del
It's the virus you idiot

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