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Anonymous 08/05/2022 (Fri) 22:45:34 [Preview] No. 4682
I've been subject to mind reading technology/abilities by aliens, one time when I was laying in bed letting my mind flow freely as it usually does, I suddenly started thinking of aliens and the most unbelievable thing happened to me, I was laying on my chest and my pelvis moved itself up by the means of telekinesis and I could feel my buttocks being fondled, and I could also feel my penis as it was taking place.
I hate talking about this because it is ridiculous to think about that not only would something like this happen to a person but the idea that the intetion behind it was sexual adds another layer of ridiculousness to the entire story and makes it even less believable. Shortly before the incident happened and I was thinking about how aliens wouldn't like me or something of that nature, I could feel something akin to a layer of non-tangible energy around my thoughts, I could quite literally feel my thoughts being monitored as I was thinking them. This incident, as unbelievable as it may seem, is completely true and has changed my perspective of life forever.

Anonymous 08/05/2022 (Fri) 22:45:50 [Preview] No.4683 del
It isn't the only paranormal thing that has happened to me, but it is by far the most reliable piece of experience I have experienced in my life that proves the existence of the paranormal.
Anything else that has happened to me, could entirely have been a product of my own imagination, but this incident has had reality shattering repercussions in my life and no matter how much I tell myself that I might not be very sane there's no possible way in the world that I could subject my own self to telekinesis.
But there's questions that comes with the incident, who did it, why did they do it, how do they do it, and how do they look? These are answers I will likely never in my life get and I am destined to sit here pondering about it for the rest of my life without getting reliable answers to what might have happened that night. The paranormal exists, and I don't know for sure, but taking into consideration the fact that I was thinking thoughts related to aliens, and that the incident happened shortly after thinking about aliens, then based off of that alone I can only assume that aliens were involved in what happened.
I could be wrong since I don't know much about this, it could have been human technology that is just very confidential, I am not closing any doors for possibilities, but no matter what happens to me in the future I will always think back of that night and let my imagination play a part in rationalizing it. If you are one of those people who never have experienced anything paranormal and completely shut down any possibilities of paranormal events actually having existed in real life, then I am sorry to break it to you, but you are wrong.
Life for me after that night made me realize that anything in this world is entirely possible and I feel good that there are no limitations to the possibility of things that could potentially take place in our lifetimes. I, before that incident, had a connection with skeptics who refused to believe anything paranormal happened and just played around with the idea of things of paranormal nature existing for fun, but deep down I was a skeptic myself.
But now the circumstances of things that happened has made me completely lose any form of connection with the rational skepticism that takes place very often in the subject of the paranormal. I am not here to try and convince you of anything, and I surely cannot prove that it happened beyond my own words detailing the experience, but I do want to maybe tell you that life isn't as mundane as you might otherwise think and that there are definitely unexplained things that take place in the world that for the majority of people could only be considered to be fantasy.
I hate the idea that I could consider myself special because of what happened, I like to think that there are many others out there like me who have experienced things similar and just were unable to convince those next to them that it is the truth and have given up on trying to convince them of it, much like myself.

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