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the endchan instance of 8chan.moe/indiachan

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मित्र 01/11/2023 (Wed) 10:14 Id: 742f17 [Preview] No. 15
Much better place that honey pot lundia chan, run by faggotvigga and his smegma licking jannies

मित्र Board owner 01/11/2023 (Wed) 10:16 Id: bd5917 [Preview] No.16 del
welcome, मित्र

मित्र 01/11/2023 (Wed) 13:43 Id: 65921b [Preview] No.19 del
Welcome on Endchan! Enjoy your stay.
I recommend browsing our other boards too. Could be interesting.
Tell us about Indiachan? Was it an independent chan, or started as a board elsewhere? Many people use internet in India? Do they know about imageboards?

मित्र 01/11/2023 (Wed) 14:56 Id: db8470 [Preview] No.21 del
indiachan is a shitty 4chan ripoff, it's run by a glowie and is very censored to fit his narrative. The post quality there is worse than reddit.
Yeah, there are plenty of internet users in india but they're mostly normalfags who do nothing more than browsing instagram and whatsapp. Very few people know about imageboards, and most of the ones that do think of them as these "racist darkdeepweb 4chan haxxor" forums. As a result, very few good quality indian posters remain.
what are some good boards here fren?

मित्र 01/11/2023 (Wed) 15:09 Id: 8edf67 [Preview] No.23 del
pregnancy ki padhai kar jaake bhadwe

मित्र 01/12/2023 (Thu) 11:29 Id: 4da113 [Preview] No.32 del
Well 4chan is just 2chan ripoff essentially.
>is run by a glowie and is very censored to fit his narrative
What's his narrative?
When was Indiachan started? Is it an old chan?
>what are some good boards here fren?
It depends what you are looking for. One can have conversations (albeit different in style and attention) on ausneets or yuri or rapport. Endchan has several boards made by simps, like bbg, agatha2, and ttg. /ashIeyj/ is also kinda like that, but it is more creative stuff, making videos, edits, graphics. /baaa2/ is similarly for creative stuff I think, but in a different style, best to lurk at first to see what's up. Politics is on pol, news, and qrbunker, but they all have their own curiosities, can be banned if not careful. You can get serious discussions on kc, and cooking on ck. There is always /b/ for everything, anything. Quite a few foreign language boards, the largest are in Russian, I dunno if you can speak it.
I suggest looking into overboard.
There are a couple of underutilized IT related boards, like /tech/ and /os/. Would be nice to put some life at least into the former, little hope for that. Anyway, interesting branches of this topic are /hydrus/ and /cumg/.

मित्र 01/14/2023 (Sat) 07:38 Id: 450c06 [Preview] No.37 del
>what's his narrative?
only he knows. at first, indiachan was just a rape discussion forum for reddit refugees, then it turned into an anti muslim forum, and now it's an anti hindu forum. everything questioning his jannies is removed, and no nsfw is allowed.
very heavy censorship based on whatever his current narrative is.
>when was it started
this instance was created in april 20222. there have been 3 indiachans under different owners previously, the first one started in 2017. one of them got shut down due to lack of interest by the admin, one was shut because the admin didn't like the hateful posts and lack of funds, and the previous one was shut down because it was featured on national tv as a "far right" hate speech forum and leftists began sending death threats to the owner, he pissed his pants and pulled the plug.
>good boards
there's only 1 half decent board on the site, it's called /sa/ and caters to people who follow hindi literature. Has some really good threads with rare books and knowledgeable people, but that's about it. It is pretty dead and hardly gets 1 post per 2 days. All the other boards are full of underage redditors who think they are "imageboarders" now.
and thanks for the suggestions मित्र , I'll check some boards out

मित्र 01/15/2023 (Sun) 13:13 Id: a73044 [Preview] No.47 del
That literally means budy innit?

मित्र 01/15/2023 (Sun) 15:13 Id: 58331c [Preview] No.49 del
yeah, it translates to 'friend'.

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