03/22/2019 (Fri) 00:47:05
No.1458 [X]
i'll start
>be native european "thracians" (so called by the greeks)
>many peoples come and go from your land (greeks, celts, romans)
>be indo-eurpopean slavs
>around the 6th century arive on the balkans, likely due to babybooms
>slavs ally foreigners and raid the east roman empire, with little success, some still taken as slaves by the "civilized" west
>be turko-possibly iranian bulgars
>around the 7th centruty arive on the balkans, due to your "great old"(so called by the greeks) bulgaria being destoryed by the khazars (>tfw no milkers)
>bulgars bring organization, military and overall a better idea of a "nation" than the slavs had, ally the slavs and raid the east roman empire, with big success
>eventually start losing wars (since greeks could free up men from their eastern/western fronts at times), accept to convert to orthodoxy (tho the monarchy likely already was christian)
>slav language on the rise, greek missionaries play a huge role in creating a slavic alphabet (tho most of the work is done by bulgarian intelectuals too) to translate the bible into
>keep warring with the greeks, tri moreta, sometimes cooperate with them "saving europe" from arabs
>anatolian turks arive (mostly invited by greeks), bulgarian leadership is not united at the time, get conquered
>500 years under the caliphate, some forced conversions, massacres and higher taxes
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