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my girlfriend dumped me for a nigga Anonymous 12/16/2020 (Wed) 22:48:26 [Preview] No. 1629
Guys, I'm from Argentina I feel bad because my blonde white girlfriend left me there for this man this guy is the drug addict who takes drugs and listens to South American music.

I come from work I see my ex girlfriend who left me for this boy and I get sad. That man don't even work, he smokes all day

because women are like that

Anonymous 12/16/2020 (Wed) 22:49:32 [Preview] No.1630 del
The one in the photo is the man who hangs out with my ex girlfriend

sage sage 12/24/2020 (Thu) 22:15:05 [Preview] No.1633 del
>onion poster
>posting something stupid

Yep this checks out

Anonymous 05/12/2021 (Wed) 21:33:14 [Preview] No.1647 del
may allah rest your soul in peace

Anonymous 07/31/2021 (Sat) 03:20:11 [Preview] No.1666 del
Watch this immediately

https://youtube.com/watch?v=3Z9UHWfOfMc [Embed]

Anonymous 08/08/2021 (Sun) 23:38:14 [Preview] No.1669 del
Haha idiot. U deserve it.

Anonymous 01/06/2022 (Thu) 23:56:36 [Preview] No.1683 del
Te jodes por gordo, feo y subnormal, narizón de mierda.

Anonymous 05/06/2022 (Fri) 11:04:53 Id: 146e03 [Preview] No.1711 del

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