Catalog of /ixit/


Mode: Thread

Max file size: 350.00 MB

Max files: 5

Remember to follow the rules

Max message length: 4096

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 1


My contact info is in the META thread >>5 but this thread is the public square of IXIT where you can post your contact info. Shill your blog, your channel, your board, your website, or just shill yourself. Some examples of what you can share here:

* Retroshare Certificate
* Steemit Blog
* Minds Page
* Tox ID
* Email & PGP Key
* Your Pornhub username
* Mastadon Server
* Bitchute Channel

Whatever you post here must give people the ability to contact you. If you're just looking to post links to hidden sites or anonymity software that you want other people to know about, post in the LINKS CONTAINMENT THREAD >>2

The only exception is if you are the owner of the site or the developer of the software in question. In that case you should post in both threads.

Whatever you post will be periodically pruned from this thread and you will have to repost it. This is to show that you are still active and it keeps this thread from filling up with stale contact info, dead links, inactive accounts, etc. I haven't decided what the time-scale will be yet since this is a new board. For now just check periodically to make sure your contact info is still here.

Whatever you post cannot violate the TOS of 9chan:

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 1


IXIT is a radically decentralized alternative to the mainstream Internet. IXIT is NOT a decentralized platform, network or protocol. We are a decentralized user base. We hide in plain site across multiple platforms and architectures. Not even IXIT itself is meant to be a central rallying banner. IXIT is meant to be plagiarized over and over, under different names, by a thousand self-professed “founders” who all claim never to have heard of IXIT.

All existing infrastructure is our tool-set. We leverage all platforms, networks, online tools & services in whatever custom configurations suit our purposes. We don’t need to build yet another “free speech” platform when we can re-purpose what already exists.

We reject platform-centric thinking. All platforms, whether http, blockchain, darknet or torrent swarm, share at least some of the following weaknesses.

* Can be pressured into self-censorship by political & corporate interests
* Can be black-listed by hosting providers and payment processors
* The people running them can turn into the same censorious dicks as their Big Tech counterparts
* They fragment the potential user-base of liberty-minded people who hate Big Tech
* They can be shut down by law enforcement
* They still impose their own limitations (DMCA take-downs, banning of commercial activity, banning discussion of “illegal” activity, etc)
* They rely on voluntary contributions of bandwidth and storage space in order to function. That’s too idealistic.
* Factions within that platform can work to censor other factions (mass downvoting, mass flagging)

IXIT runs on manually maintained, informal protocols. WE are the compatibility layer between different platforms, protocols and network architectures. You “register” for IXIT by posting your contact info and a description of who & what you’re looking for. You “build” IXIT through your own manually maintained social connections. Your “friends list” is something you keep in a text file. This means going a little bit old-school but what you loose in automation you gain in flexibility.

Acceptable forms of contact:

* Email address
* Guerrilla Mail address
* Retroshare Certificate
* Minds chat
* An onion imageboard that you own
* Your pornhub account
* Your username on an i2p forum
* Your username on a clearnet forum
* Deviant Art profile
* Diaspora username
* Gab account
* desudesutalk key
* Tox ID
* A torrent with a readme file containing your contact info
* A paste-bin that you’ve re-purposed as a blog
* Your actual BLOG blog
* The comments section of some other assholes BLOG blog
* USB dead drop
* Graffiti
* Classified ad
* QR Code sticker in a bathroom stall

Possible reasons for registering (by no means exhaustive):

* Piracy & File sharing
* Money making ventures – because spam is free speech too
* Collaboration (software development, content creation)
* Cryptocurrency exchange
* Crowd-funding (ie: like Patreon)
* Consultation (about anything)
* Begging for favors (translate this video, shop this image, do my fucking homework for me)
* Paid services (same as favors only you pay for it, so not really)
* Buying/Selling verified accounts on various platforms

You can post your contact info in the "SHILL" thread on this board or the one over on 9CHAN. Or the the IXIT Minds group. But you should definitely contact me directly via Tox or Email too. The sort of network I envision requires having multiple forms of contact for resiliency. Don’t assume this board will be here forever because it probably won’t. I could even delete it myself.


ONION: http://ninechnjd5aaxfbcsszlbr4inp7qjsficep4hiffh4jbzovpt2ok3cad.onion/ixit/catalog


ONION: http://enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion/ixit/catalog.html

Minds Group:

Also email me:
and/or Tox me: 2CD22F3C0D87626C06BEDDA0AE2217E43F72500A408A462699C3297E382576522372737FC9CE

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1


As I've said in the META thread >>1 one of the aims of IXIT is to forge individual connections and create cross-platform communities. That means posting info that allows people to anonymously contact you. So instead of just posting a link to some darknet software like I2P or Zeronet, post a link to your personal channel on a hidden site that's hosted on one of those networks.

But I know that a lot of people are still going to post links to hidden sites that they don't personally use, or darknet software that they don't personally use, because they read about it somewhere and fell in love with the concept behind it and now they want to tell everyone else about it. For all of you, there's this thread. If there's a certain darknet forum, or federated network, or blockchain-based imageboard that you're all stoked about, this is your thread for posting about it.

It's not a bad thread. It can be a useful resource for those willing to go the extra step and sign up to these platforms and post their contact info here on IXIT. If I get enough of these links I'll probably make a booru or some other tag-based resource out of them.

The only caveats are

* Don't link to anything that violates the global rules (
* Don't link to other link directories
* Include a description that shows you actually took the time to check it out instead of just dumping a bunch of onion links you've had kicking around since 2018.

EDIT: This also includes "alt tech" sites that exist on the clearnet but which are dedicated to the principles of free speech.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1


This is the /ixit/ embassy thread. Anons from other boards, forums, groups, subverses, etc can share their common interests here. This thread is a different beast from the shill thread >>3

Embassy is more of a free-for-all for different online communities to talk to each other. Shill thread is for posting your individual contact info.

Be sure to give a shout-out to whichever online haunt you came from before you landed here since I'd like to know which places people are coming from anyway.

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 1


Part of building the Alt-Net involves leveraging the available tools and services on the Legacy Internet. This includes online tools, downloadable freeware and downloadable "freeware". This thread is a repository of various freely available tools & services both online and offline. Once I get enough content in this thread I'll make a tagged database of them.

Speaking of tagging, here's a couple relevant tools

And some more examples of what I mean by tools and services:

Screen Scrapers / Downloaders


Image Manipulation

Multimedia Tools

File Sharing

Proxy Servers

Bypass Youtube Content Restrictions

Meme Generator

Decoders / Encoders

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1


R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1


An Alt Internet needs an economy. It needs to attract entrepreneurs and people looking to buy things. This is how an alt Internet can fund its own construction.

An important goal for IXIT is to bootstrap its own crypto market in a way that's cheap, relatively low-tech and easy to replicate. So basically the opposite of something like Silk Road. I propose a model for doing this where you only need to know how to use a crypto wallet and spend a lot of time growing your community. It's best to adopt a feeless crypto like NANO for this purpose.

Whichever crypto you choose, peg its value at a price that's way higher than its market price. Maybe 0.00001 NANO = $1.00 USD for example. In order to build an online community that uses this crypto there has to be something to use it FOR. It needs to be something that demands very little time and effort and trust, like gamifying things that people already do for free anyway.

Some examples:

* File-sharing
* Information-sharing (same idea as quora or stackexchange only way less formal)
* Favors (ie: can someone translate this caption for me, photoshop something for me, etc)

The idea is for people to charge what they would in real life, but on the assumption that 0.00001 NANO = $1.00. This creates a low barrier of entry for people to participate since they can easily scrape up the crypto they need from faucets. But don't peg the price too high. Set it so that faucet "mining" equates roughly to minimum wage in time investment.

Since the money being used is worthless anywhere else, it remains circulating within the community. People continue to find new uses for it as trust in the currency grows. This also comes with long-term incentives baked in; if such a community were to grow large enough it would exert an upward influence on the "real-world" market value of the crypto-currency. Those hundredths of a NANO you earned would begin to pay dividends.

>but nobody would ever do that
People already spend thousands of hours earning and trading in worthless currencies on MMORPGs. A whole black market emerged around game currency because of it. This can be translated into other contexts outside the world of gaming. Just "gamify" other things that people do for free

>but this would commercialize everything and ruin the culture of online communities
There will always be gift economies, voluntarism, free file sharing etc. Just the fact that anyone would raise this objection is proof of the demand for these kinds of online spaces. The commercial model I've proposed can exist on its own boards or informal networks. It could even exist symbiotically with social spaces as long as you have well-defined rules in place.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1


I obsess over privacy to the point that it's probably counter-productive but maybe I can save other people the time and aggravation of doing the same. Plus I thought it would be useful to create a thread on OPSEC procedures in general.

Personally I've taken an interest in steganography as a way of hiding passwords. There are a number of stego software options for hiding files and information inside other files. But the problem with steganography software is it kind of defeats its own purpose. Having stego software on your machine gives away the fact that you're using stego. You could hide your stego software on a separate USB stick but then it becomes one more thing to hide. Again, it defeats the purpose.

I've thought of a different approach that lets you stego your own stego. It's not as streamlined as using pre-built software to do the job but it does allow you to hide much larger files: gigabytes as opposed to kilobytes. I only know how to do this on linux ATM so if you're using anything else you'll just have to figure it out yourself.

Let's say you want to conceal files on your USB stick. First create an encrypted archive that's large enough to completely fill it up. Any of you should have enough video files kicking around to manage that. Encrypt this archive with a password you don't intend to remember and then use linux's "dd" utility to write it directly to your stick. This fills your drive with essentially random data and also makes it unusable unless you reformat it. For our purposes that's a bonus since it'll keep out casual snoopers but you can still read and write to it using dd. You can write your own encrypted files over top of what's already there and it blends in with all the surrounding encrypted data. The only way to retrieve it is to know its exact size and offset position.

You first need to open the "Disks" utility to find the device path for your USB stick. Select your USB device in the left pane and then on the right you'll see something like "/dev/sdb" or "/dev/sdc" Use that information to run the following command:

sudo dd if=/path/to/giant/encrypted/archive.7z.gpg of=/dev/sdb bs=1000000 status=progress

The bs value here is arbitrary and only serves as a counter. It'll take a few minutes to fill up your USB drive but you only have to do this once. Afterwords let's say you want to hide an encrypted file on this drive at offset position 2000000

sudo dd if=/path/to/encrypted/archive.7z.gpg of=/dev/sdb seek=2000000 bs=1 status=progress

To retrieve it you need to remember the offset position and file size. If it was 1944 bytes the command would be:

sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/path/to/my/hidden/files.7z.gpg skip=2000000 bs=1 count=1944 status=progress


By "encrypted archive" I mean an archive you encrypt after you create it. Don't use 7zip's own native password option to encrypt your archive. File recovery software like photorec can still find it. Yes it'll still be encrypted but that's not the point. You also want to conceal it.
