IXIT is a radically decentralized alternative to the mainstream Internet. IXIT is NOT a decentralized platform, network or protocol. We are a decentralized user base. We hide in plain site across multiple platforms and architectures. Not even IXIT itself is meant to be a central rallying banner. IXIT is meant to be plagiarized over and over, under different names, by a thousand self-professed “founders” who all claim never to have heard of IXIT.
All existing infrastructure is our tool-set. We leverage all platforms, networks, online tools & services in whatever custom configurations suit our purposes. We don’t need to build yet another “free speech” platform when we can re-purpose what already exists.
We reject platform-centric thinking. All platforms, whether http, blockchain, darknet or torrent swarm, share at least some of the following weaknesses.
* Can be pressured into self-censorship by political & corporate interests
* Can be black-listed by hosting providers and payment processors
* The people running them can turn into the same censorious dicks as their Big Tech counterparts
* They fragment the potential user-base of liberty-minded people who hate Big Tech
* They can be shut down by law enforcement
* They still impose their own limitations (DMCA take-downs, banning of commercial activity, banning discussion of “illegal” activity, etc)
* They rely on voluntary contributions of bandwidth and storage space in order to function. That’s too idealistic.
* Factions within that platform can work to censor other factions (mass downvoting, mass flagging)
IXIT runs on manually maintained, informal protocols. WE are the compatibility layer between different platforms, protocols and network architectures. You “register” for IXIT by posting your contact info and a description of who & what you’re looking for. You “build” IXIT through your own manually maintained social connections. Your “friends list” is something you keep in a text file. This means going a little bit old-school but what you loose in automation you gain in flexibility.
Acceptable forms of contact:
* Email address
* Guerrilla Mail address
* Retroshare Certificate
* Minds chat
* An onion imageboard that you own
* Your pornhub account
* Your username on an i2p forum
* Your username on a clearnet forum
* Deviant Art profile
* Diaspora username
* Gab account
* desudesutalk key
* Tox ID
* A torrent with a readme file containing your contact info
* A paste-bin that you’ve re-purposed as a blog
* Your actual BLOG blog
* The comments section of some other assholes BLOG blog
* USB dead drop
* Graffiti
* Classified ad
* QR Code sticker in a bathroom stall
Possible reasons for registering (by no means exhaustive):
* Piracy & File sharing
* Money making ventures – because spam is free speech too
* Collaboration (software development, content creation)
* Cryptocurrency exchange
* Crowd-funding (ie: like Patreon)
* Consultation (about anything)
* Begging for favors (translate this video, shop this image, do my fucking homework for me)
* Paid services (same as favors only you pay for it, so not really)
* Buying/Selling verified accounts on various platforms
You can post your contact info in the "SHILL" thread on this board or the one over on 9CHAN. Or the the IXIT Minds group. But you should definitely contact me directly via Tox or Email too. The sort of network I envision requires having multiple forms of contact for resiliency. Don’t assume this board will be here forever because it probably won’t. I could even delete it myself.
http://enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion/ixit/catalog.htmlMinds Group:
https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1123220139524812800/feedAlso email me: fah3xK6RMx@protonmail.ch
and/or Tox me: 2CD22F3C0D87626C06BEDDA0AE2217E43F72500A408A462699C3297E382576522372737FC9CE