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Western Ayashii World Anonymous 08/28/2020 (Fri) 01:29:46 [Preview] No. 52 [X]
Ayashii World is the grandfather of imageboards and the father of textboards. It was made in 1996 by Masayuki Shiba. It was a Twitter-like posting system but anonymous. It was later shut down by Shiba when he got so many death threats about the bad server which crashed all the time. Ayashii World doesn't exist anymore but its sister websites like misao, HONTEN, NazoBBS still exists to this day.
To pay respect to Ayashii World for its self-less contribution to the anonymous culture, we have made a website similar to Ayashii. Hope you all will enjoy spending time there.

Anonymous 01/28/2021 (Thu) 05:46:51 [Preview] No.55 [X] del

深淵の闇の先駆者 07/17/2021 (Sat) 05:20:06 [Preview] No.56 [X] del
Website down. Kinda wanna create my own though

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