Catalog of /kanojo/


Mode: Thread

Max file size: 350.00 MB

Max files: 5

Remember to follow the rules

Max message length: 4096

R: 488 / I: 460 / P: 1


Only posters with a name will be noticed.

We cyclic now bby

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1


But we'll keep ya company.

It's yet one more friend simulator, free topic, circle jerk board.
A replacement for the one I threw away.

Just be cool.

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 1


Did the other cyclic thread get pruned?

R: 8 / I: 3 / P: 1


Test new thread

R: 819 / I: 705 / P: 1


New thread, trains edition!

R: 933 / I: 920 / P: 1


Get out of here Stalker

I always liked STALKER girls and the style.

R: 969 / I: 902 / P: 1


Thread for cute girls.
Post them

R: 991 / I: 891 / P: 1


December thread.
Post santa chicks

R: 863 / I: 826 / P: 1


Der er nu kun en måned tilbage til juleaften.
Glædelig jul.

R: 982 / I: 942 / P: 1


Asagi Mutsuki is a sexy tight whore who needs my DICK!!

R: 951 / I: 909 / P: 2



R: 883 / I: 848 / P: 2


3 more days until Trump is crowned God Emperor of Earth, anons.
The dark days will be behind us.
As a wise man once said, we're gonna win so much you're gonna get tired of winning.

R: 999 / I: 943 / P: 2


The closer we get to Christmas, the nicer the soft warmth of a 婆 will become.

Get you one, anon.

R: 904 / I: 799 / P: 2


🪶 Birb mom! 🐦‍⬛

R: 923 / I: 809 / P: 2


Whatchu niggers know about blank posting?

A lot apparently.

I feel like I've officially reached the point where I don't actually retain any new information I take in, like I read something, and forget it five minutes later.
How do YOU take notes, chat?

R: 822 / I: 739 / P: 2


Heya chat!

R: 915 / I: 857 / P: 2


Quickly reaching post-cap, so here's a new thread
