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8ch down, 4ch cancer /leftypol/etariot 05/21/2016 (Sat) 08:28:17 Id: 6ecc6a [Preview] No. 297
>8ch down
>4ch is cancer
>/pol/ has WAY too many cappie scum
>hello all anarchists on /leftypol/

/leftypol/etariot 06/02/2016 (Thu) 02:43:34 Id: a217e7 [Preview] No. 301 del
Bout time another anarchist showed up. Welcome, comrade! Ancom here.

/leftypol/etariot 07/19/2016 (Tue) 15:15:39 [Preview] No. 303 del
We (ITT) should contact the people of 8ch/anarcho/, which has recently re-surged in traffic - a new /anarcho/ is needed, since an /anarcho/ without .onion access is useless.

Now between Endchan and 16chan, which is the best -for us anarchists-? Is there any significant difference?

Also - anyone know why this /leftypol/ exodus ended up here and not on 16chan?

/leftypol/etariot 07/19/2016 (Tue) 16:42:29 [Preview] No. 304 del
go to NNTPchan. its imposible to censor. that shit is straight up crypto anarchy, fam.

/leftypol/etariot 07/20/2016 (Wed) 15:11:58 [Preview] No. 305 del
I've thought about this too.
Is NNTPchan the best? It really does seem so to me as well. It's like an evolutionary jump in channing.

So should we just go NNTPchan instead?


/leftypol/etariot 07/27/2016 (Wed) 18:55:32 Id: a217e7 [Preview] No. 306 del
>Also - anyone know why this /leftypol/ exodus ended up here and not on 16chan?
Probably because bunkerchan was advertised on 8chan's /leftypol/ first so everyone went there instead. Also 16chan is owned by Josh and he is infamous on 8chan for fucking everything up.

Maybe. But I don't see what wrong with 8chan's /anarcho/

/leftypol/etariot 07/27/2016 (Wed) 20:58:32 [Preview] No.307 del
8chan is inaccessible through tor since the jew removed the .onion link and the clearnet access is mtmed by cloudflare

here's a list of current active nntpchan nodes for anyone who wants to check it out


/leftypol/etariot 07/27/2016 (Wed) 21:02:15 Id: 2b9e8d [Preview] No. 308 del
If you advocate the state you advocate violence. If you beleive in authority you beleive in a fallacy

/leftypol/etariot 07/27/2016 (Wed) 21:53:30 Id: 869747 [Preview] No. 309 del
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The only way to make anarchism 'work' is Separatism, comrades, I hereby propose the World Union of Separatists!

/leftypol/etariot 07/28/2016 (Thu) 00:49:19 Id: 2b9e8d [Preview] No. 310 del
If it is mutual seperation. No one has the authority to segregate a mass of people.

/leftypol/etariot 07/28/2016 (Thu) 05:59:04 Id: 0ac9e3 [Preview] No. 311 del
... typically majority vote by the eligible public (those living within the boarders of the proposed new state) is necessary.

/leftypol/etariot 08/02/2016 (Tue) 01:45:55 Id: a217e7 [Preview] No. 313 del
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I think you meant territory

/leftypol/etariot 09/03/2016 (Sat) 01:54:59 [Preview] No. 319 del
Hi fellow radicals. This question doesn't really deserve its own thread so I guess I'll ask it here. Can I love twink shit on my face but still be a liberal?

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