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/leftypol/etariot 03/27/2017 (Mon) 22:51:49 Id: c8b436 [Preview] No. 395
Hey, wuss up.
I am a liberal. (very spooky social democrat)

Any good arguments for communism?

/leftypol/etariot 05/03/2017 (Wed) 09:13:22 Id: 126147 [Preview] No. 409 del
It has nice music.

/leftypol/etariot 05/03/2017 (Wed) 09:55:02 [Preview] No. 411 del
good one

/leftypol/etariot 07/22/2017 (Sat) 08:04:00 Id: a1ecfc [Preview] No. 446 del
We have the best memes.

/leftypol/etariot 07/29/2017 (Sat) 02:29:22 Id: 03706c [Preview] No. 451 del
The masses or working people should not be allowe have property or make choices. It should be left to the ruling party communist oligarchy who deserve a better standard of living due to their responsibility.

Fuck Liberalism/Communism Pinochet 08/04/2017 (Fri) 03:36:03 Id: aeca64 [Preview] No. 472 del
I got a better idea with even better music! Mia General Pinochet!!!
-removal of violent terrorists
-you get to keep your lattes, cell service, comfy middle class privileged life.
-no gulag for not agreeing with Stalin's fab color
-no ethnic hatred, all socialist dictators wipe out minority for the proles to be more equal in culture to.
-why wouldn't anyone want to be a Neo-Reactionary

/leftypol/etariot 08/04/2017 (Fri) 06:13:19 Id: 978470 [Preview] No. 480 del
Your comment reads like an autistic manchild who cannot comprehend shit. You're delusional and seriously need help.

Being this ignorant and hateful ain't good for one person.

Hateful and ignorant Pinochet 08/04/2017 (Fri) 11:45:16 Id: ad0f49 [Preview] No. 485 del
If I was praising Stalin's purges you would be cheering me on. There is not anything hateful about my ideology. All I see is a bunch of psychos who want to kill a billion people for the revolution.

/leftypol/etariot 10/20/2017 (Fri) 02:26:39 Id: 606f17 [Preview] No. 530 del
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>being this authoritarian

/leftypol/etariot 10/26/2017 (Thu) 09:29:19 Id: 29187d [Preview] No. 535 del
Where my marxists at?

Comrade-Chevalier 11/22/2017 (Wed) 03:37:51 Id: c29867 [Preview] No.554 del
Without Communism the world will crumble under itself.

/leftypol/etariot 11/22/2017 (Wed) 09:28:40 Id: aa53da [Preview] No.559 del
(26.32 KB 360x342 skubhods.jpg)
>hey, wuss up.
>it's like "hey, man up" but for communists

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