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/leftypol/etariot 05/20/2017 (Sat) 10:08:35 Id: 08a33a [Preview] No. 422
Classical Marxism versus Cultural Marxism
Which one is better?

/leftypol/etariot 05/30/2017 (Tue) 20:47:09 Id: 2f76db [Preview] No. 427 del
Cultural Marxism is a fictive term regurgitated from the fascist apologists to legitimize their procapitalist exploitative stances, you silly sp00k.

/leftypol/etariot 06/06/2017 (Tue) 14:57:27 [Preview] No. 431 del
>Cultural Marxism
Every worker gets fair share of paint, instruments and other means of culture?

/leftypol/etariot 10/14/2017 (Sat) 02:20:03 Id: c58293 [Preview] No. 526 del
Classical, because at least I'll die honourably and of starvation instead of doing myself in after 50 years of cultural devolution.

/leftypol/etariot 10/14/2017 (Sat) 08:10:57 Id: a9ac21 [Preview] No. 527 del
Apples and oranges really. While we need ACTUAL marxism for obvious reasons, cultural marxism plays a very important role in turning people against capitalism and against their own society making them ripe for change. Only by destroying what you already have can you impose something as radically different as maxism, marx knew this. Cultural marxism allows us to impose a centralised maxist dictatorship without the need for war.
While I feel your question lacks basic understanding as to be disingenuous I will say marxism obviously, as after the revolution we will have no more need for cultural marxism.

>Cultural Marxism is a fictive term regurgitated from the fascist apologists to legitimize their procapitalist exploitative stances
Please stop learning politics from wikipedia.

Comrade-Chevalier 11/22/2017 (Wed) 03:40:05 Id: f4bc73 [Preview] No.555 del
Both Classicals and culturals are retarded.

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