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can we be friends? /leftypol/etariot 09/22/2017 (Fri) 22:10:18 Id: 46174f [Preview] No. 522
hi leftypol im from normal pol and I want to know if we can be friends. we have alot in common apart from our ideologys, but life isn't just politics. So can we be friends . :) :)

/leftypol/etariot 09/24/2017 (Sun) 02:46:58 Id: 75cc33 [Preview] No. 523 del

/leftypol/etariot 09/25/2017 (Mon) 08:18:46 Id: 06af77 [Preview] No. 524 del
Yeah we can be friends, homeslice

Comrade-Chevalier 11/22/2017 (Wed) 03:55:45 Id: 30c677 [Preview] No.557 del
(87.15 KB 1024x839 1486148521975.jpg)
Sure, if we can ignore our differences then we might get along.

Aside from economics, We both hate Liberals, Feminists, and BLM. I'm on board with some sort of trues.

Besides, our hatred for each other is what the Liberals want.

/leftypol/etariot 11/22/2017 (Wed) 09:25:16 Id: 983c43 [Preview] No.558 del
sure thing, just be conservative
it just means communism but a commune must include exactly two people who are fucking and a bunch of others who aren't

/leftypol/etariot 02/09/2018 (Fri) 15:06:37 Id: 541421 [Preview] No.576 del
>when you and your extremist friends co-opt horseshoe theory from centrists to unite and fuck shit up

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