/lez/ - yuri/lesbian

yuri + lesbian

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/lez/ metathread Anonymous 11/01/2019 (Fri) 22:15:55 [Preview] No. 1 [X] >>4
Lez - yuri and lesbian

Board I recently created for all things related to female x female sex and/or love (both real and fictional). This Includes discussion somehow relating to the topic of lesbianism, and the sharing of lesbian pornography/fiction (be it cartoon or live action).

I am currently seeking volunteers for all positions, this is my first time doing this and any tips you may offer will be read and appreciated, this board is not in competition with any other boards dedicated to similar subject matter, comparisons need not be made.

Now, this tiny board gets attacked all the time by those who hate it for some reason, I suspect that it's butthurt trannies, polacks that breached containment, or just random people that see a new and inexperienced anon create a "homosexual porn board" on endchan (this board allows porn, but that isn't it's only purpose).

I wish to be quite liberal and so I will allow anything so long as what few rules I have are abided by (most of which apply to porn).

rules are as follows:

Remember to stay on topic, and treat other users with respect, especially those with whom you disagree, I do not want to see this become a board where everyone who is not an SJW has been bullied off.

This is a board dedicated to yuri and lesbianism, as such all porn must involve only females, they may only be female solo or female x female.
Pornographic content which is heterosexual, bisexual, solo male or or gay male in nature is prohibited.

Transgender "females" count as males, this includes all "females" with characteristics normally exclusive to biological males (such as a penis or a Y-chromosome), examples are futanari, hermaphrodites, etc.

Pornographic content involving non-humans is allowed, so long as the non-humans are female.

Lolicon is also allowed, be it western, eastern, 2D, or CGI but obviously nothing that would risk getting you v& in the USA, or that would bring the board or site into danger.

Since phallic sex toys (such as dildoes, strapons, or other "penis objects") are a point of contention, pornographic content involving them will be allowed will only be allowed to be posted without spoilers within their own dedicated threads, but may be posted in any thread so long as spoilers are employed.
[Note that this rule is being considered for revision or deletion.]

No scat or ws, this includes anything relating to feces, vomit, urine, farting, belching, queefing, etc.

Also, spoiler anything you think it will disturb other anons who will see it, it's just common courtesy.

Anonymous 11/03/2019 (Sun) 02:58:56 [Preview] No.4 [X] del >>5
I'm going to add another rule concerning tentacles:
tentacles are permitted so long as they belong to a female and are not phallic in nature (tentacles whose forms and functions are unisex - limbs, mouths, eyes, etc. - are ok, but nothing with the form or function of a penis' or other part which is normally male-exclusive).

Anonymous 11/03/2019 (Sun) 19:49:34 [Preview] No.5 [X] del
basically, the rules for tentacles are the same as the ones for objects being used for sex. A "female" tentacle monster whose tentacles are phallic is basically a dickgirl.

Anonymous 06/29/2021 (Tue) 03:41:15 [Preview] No.55 [X] del >>193
Any good reason why it is not indexed? I find this place from
>Now, this tiny board gets attacked all the time
Oh. Remind me of cuckchan /u/, except their local shitpost is so strong even spammer stay away from that.
>butthurt trannies "homosexual porn board
Good thing I never see actual one attacking. The one doing it usually are virgins or elitist who think one yuri is less than other

Anonymous 08/03/2021 (Tue) 23:08:16 [Preview] No.56 [X] del >>81
This place needs a new BO and mods

Anonymous 05/19/2022 (Thu) 21:32:56 [Preview] No.81 [X] del >>193
It needs a user base that posts on topic material and comments.
A BO/mod to delete the two adverts would be nice though.

Anonymous 06/06/2023 (Tue) 09:15 [Preview] No.193 [X] del
Futa is not yuri.

also someone should delete the cringey posts on here.

What are your thoughts on the 8chan /u/ board? I hate how the new board owner is allowing futa, but it is like this place in that it is a yuri board in need of more user activity.

Effort should be made in order to attract more people to them and us.

1 Anonymous 06/17/2023 (Sat) 05:17 [Preview] No.204 [X] del

Anonymous 06/19/2023 (Mon) 22:45 [Preview] No.207 [X] del
> 413 Request Entity Too Large
for posts far below
> Max file size: 350.00 MB

1 VABxvsyH 09/18/2023 (Mon) 03:54 [Preview] No.311 [X] del

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