/lez/ - yuri/lesbian

yuri + lesbian

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Our name Anonymous 06/22/2023 (Thu) 17:19 [Preview] No. 211 [X]
Mentioned elsewhere on the net:

> There is the term 姫男子 hime-danshi lit. "princess-boy" for a male person who enjoys lesbian/yuri media. I think this is a relatively recent coining - the Nicopedia article on this term dates to 2012, and the earliest clear attestation on Twitter I've found is this one from Feb 2011 (though, I don't know if Twitter was popular enough in Japan prior to 2011 to be reliable for gathering attestations). This term does not appear to have very much purchase (certainly much less than fujoshi or fudanshi), but it does exist.

>As you might expect, it has a counterpart 姫女子 hime-joshi lit. "princess-girl" for a female person who enjoys lesbian/yuri media.

>The term 百合好き yuri-zuki lit. "yuri-liker" exists and would be well-understood, but it's compositional in meaning and doesn't feel like a distinct "word" to me.


> Yuriko (百合 子) means children of the lily. It's the official name given to Latin American fans of yuri. I know that fans from other countries also call themselves this way, but I'm not sure it's accepted by their yuri community. Some places in Japan use that term too. Yuriko is rather new, having been acquired in 2014.

I love the term “Sapphic”
サフィクガール (girl)
サフィックボーイ (boy)
But I suppose people will just adopt yuriko

1 kEMlzpAX 12/06/2024 (Fri) 06:05 [Preview] No.328 [X] del

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