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just felt like sharing: a story prompt for a writing project assisted by ai Anonymous 10/13/2024 (Sun) 03:23 [Preview] No. 326 [X]
terrible economy and a poorly implemented advertisment and recruitment process for getting new roomates results in way too many queer/lesbian/bisexual women who love other women (sexually and/or romatically) living in the same place, but somehow making it work out.

this should be treated as an SoL style comedy, as a lot of broke-ass dykes living crammed together in the same property while they barely scrape by is a goldmine for these sorts of hijinks, like not having yet seen or spoken to a roomate youve technically been living with for over a year.

add to it a long season of them being forced to stay inside due to coronachan and going a bit nuts in the process.

a huge cast of poor gay girls (young adults) in america living in close quarters for economic and other reasons.

each woman in the cast should stand out, be unique, distinctive, and memorable, ideally in a way that makes it easy for real gay women to relate to or identify with.

there may or may not be romance or drama amongst the cast.

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