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Prostitutes I'm in love with El pinche TW@ 09/20/2019 (Fri) 08:52:40 [Preview] No. 199
Why is she so qt bros? Better than Amy?

El pinche TW@ 09/20/2019 (Fri) 08:56:26 [Preview] No.200 del
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El pinche TW@ 09/20/2019 (Fri) 12:32:03 [Preview] No.201 del
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Anonymous 09/20/2019 (Fri) 19:27:15 [Preview] No.202 del
She has nice hips, what's her name?

El pinche TW@ 09/20/2019 (Fri) 21:52:28 [Preview] No.209 del
Her name is Sofia, she's the prosti I met in Tokyo

Anonymous 09/21/2019 (Sat) 05:42:26 [Preview] No.216 del
She told where is she from and why moved there? also, how do you rate her doing her job compared to Amy?

not masher 09/21/2019 (Sat) 05:56:56 [Preview] No.218 del
el TW@ se la come


El pinche TW@ 09/21/2019 (Sat) 09:14:45 [Preview] No.220 del
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She's a chilanga lol. She was just in Tokyo for work, she travels all over the world being a prostitute. She's in Hong Kong now and is going back home next month. As far as her work goes I would say Amy is still better but I'm probably just saying that because I love her. Sofia was great though and invited me for some drinks after business was finished. We took a taxi to the bar and due to some miscommunication ended up somewhere else and got lost. It was a great experience and we eventually found the bar we were trying to go to. We spent all night just talking and eating some delicious wagyu beef. We even left our mark at the bar. It was one of the best nights of my life tbh fams and I'm glad I found a fellow paisa to talk to in Tokyo. Made me realize how much better a traveling the world would be if I had someone to share these moments with.

El pinche TW@ 09/21/2019 (Sat) 09:18:26 [Preview] No.221 del
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Me como la concha de tu madre

Have some Amy's

El pinche TW@ 09/21/2019 (Sat) 09:19:28 [Preview] No.222 del
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Imagebro##2lEAvi 09/23/2019 (Mon) 01:15:10 [Preview] No.262 del
That sounds great, good to know you had comfy time there. I remember this dude from youtube; Kira Sensei, talking about that wagyu beef, would love to try it. Did you buy any souvenir?

Imagebro##2lEAvi 09/23/2019 (Mon) 01:15:55 [Preview] No.263 del
Amy looks fine, I rate her body over Sofia's to be honesto.

Anonymous 09/23/2019 (Mon) 04:37:48 [Preview] No.272 del
Yeah I bought some anime figures and a bunch of candy. Also got a tattoo.

Amy is 10/10. Her back dimples are perfect

Imagebro##2lEAvi 09/23/2019 (Mon) 04:51:03 [Preview] No.273 del
>Her back dimples are perfect
That's exactly my favorite thing about her, secondly her buttcheeks, then her legs.

Imagebro##2lEAvi 09/23/2019 (Mon) 04:53:58 [Preview] No.274 del
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>Also got a tattoo

I didn't know about, what tatt did you get? also are you planning to pay her+friend services in the future?

El compa TW@ 09/23/2019 (Mon) 07:18:49 [Preview] No.279 del
I got this on my arm. It's called an "ofuda" and it's a charm or talisman used by priests in Shinto religion to exorcise a demon. It reads "Akuryo Taisan" which translates to "evil spirit be gone." Maybe it can help me with the demons in my head.

El compa TW@ 09/23/2019 (Mon) 07:26:28 [Preview] No.280 del
Also, Amy and her got in a argument and they don't talk to each other anymore

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 08:08:36 [Preview] No.496 del
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Por mi cruzazul mato
por my Amy, MUERO

Anon 03/10/2021 (Wed) 15:29:56 [Preview] No.4997 del
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Anon 11/14/2021 (Sun) 05:35:28 [Preview] No.6215 del
New Amy's

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