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(75.38 KB 508x643 leunpaiddog.jpg)
pro bono / cero dinero / de gratis masher 09/21/2019 (Sat) 05:05:17 [Preview] No. 210 [X]
>banned for posting "operador deme dobles"
>banned for posting "sin compensacion monetaria"

kek el chileANO

also based CACAsbel, best OP ever

drop your ban captures :D

Anonymous 09/21/2019 (Sat) 05:31:53 [Preview] No.214 [X] del >>217

are they supposed to renew the jannies every now and then or they have "undefinited non-paid contract" ¿?

Anonymous 09/21/2019 (Sat) 05:35:20 [Preview] No.215 [X] del
(64.10 KB 742x597 bann.PNG)

masher 09/21/2019 (Sat) 05:45:05 [Preview] No.217 [X] del
(251.14 KB 747x420 pobre cabron1.webm)
"trabajan" para mejorar la "calidad" del board


masher 09/22/2019 (Sun) 04:32:49 [Preview] No.224 [X] del
/LigaMX/ Bump Locked

this is not a drill, our thread is bump locked

ya se que dicen que es un chileno, pero los janies no tiene acceso a el bump lock

es un puto moderador

masher 09/22/2019 (Sun) 04:38:20 [Preview] No.225 [X] del
(18.30 KB 679x599 1569126519716.png)
solo diganles los hechos, no sean australianos


El pinche TW@ 09/22/2019 (Sun) 04:39:25 [Preview] No.226 [X] del

masher Board volunteer 09/22/2019 (Sun) 04:47:22 [Preview] No.227 [X] del
basicamente aunque con algunas diferencias todos los tablones tienen el mismo panel de moderacion

en 4chan de hecho los voluntarios/janies tienen menos poder que en 8chan o aqui (donde bunkerbro me dio el rol)

es un mod el que puso /LigaMX/ en autosage, y seguramente baneo mi trip y mi trip de caca post

Anonymous 09/22/2019 (Sun) 04:47:29 [Preview] No.228 [X] del >>229
Este es el bunker?

masher Board volunteer 09/22/2019 (Sun) 04:50:21 [Preview] No.229 [X] del >>230

el original eran en 8chan, teniamos bastantes webms con sonido, que es una de las pocas ventajas

ahora estamos aqui, aunque aun nuestro "estadio" es 4chan

si siguen con el bumplock un domingo al mediodia el brazohuevo nos va a matar el hilo bien rapido

Anonymous 09/22/2019 (Sun) 04:53:56 [Preview] No.230 [X] del >>231
Entonces el ochochan si se murio, no pos valiendo verga

masher 09/22/2019 (Sun) 04:59:01 [Preview] No.231 [X] del

segun por los 2 tiroteos

y segun, van a volver


la realidad es que aunque regrese, se la van a pasar tumbandolo ya sin la proteccion de cloudfare


al menos aqui no hay captchas por ahora, y tambien se pueden poner webms con sonido

Imagebro##2lEAvi 09/22/2019 (Sun) 05:19:43 [Preview] No.236 [X] del >>249
(56.94 KB 664x496 naaab.png)
I'm sure this is all my fault, this happened just the day after I made meme magic for the first time :( sorry lads.

Anonymous 09/22/2019 (Sun) 07:37:22 [Preview] No.249 [X] del
(38.31 KB 752x256 PUTOjanny.png)
Here's mine m8 :^)

Anonymous 09/22/2019 (Sun) 20:12:09 [Preview] No.253 [X] del
Cuando pase eso de vuelta, solo esperen o dejen que se muera el thread y hacen otro, asi le hacian a /hoc/ al principio y luego ya nadie le pone cuidado. Nada mas que haga el thread alguien que no lo baneen inediatamente

Anonymous 09/23/2019 (Mon) 00:19:10 [Preview] No.261 [X] del >>270
por que vergas los siguen baneando yo posteo pura mierda y jamas me han baneado lel a lo mejor por que nunca llegue a postear thots

masher 09/23/2019 (Mon) 04:32:00 [Preview] No.270 [X] del >>271>>275
tecnicamente no estamos baneados

tw@ y yo solo tenemos baneado el trip/name y el imagebro tiene algun mumbo-jumbo que no lo deja subir imagenes

parece mas un grudge de algun puto mod, por lo que veo no siempre checa /sp/ porque a veces no borran nada y otras veces borran cualquier cosita que sea tantisimo off topic

masher 09/23/2019 (Mon) 04:33:09 [Preview] No.271 [X] del
>tecnicamente no estamos baneados

solo nos re-banean si usamos la misma estilometria, y no todos los mods


El pinche TW@ 09/23/2019 (Mon) 04:55:55 [Preview] No.275 [X] del >>276>>277
A mi literal mente me banean todos los dias. Ay veces que no mas posteo puro pinche deported y aun asi me banean por evadir. El puto mod ya me conoce y sabe las images que posteo el wey

Anonymous 09/23/2019 (Mon) 05:00:27 [Preview] No.276 [X] del >>277
A mi tambien ya me trae el puto, nada mas pongo cualquier cosita que no sea acceptable y immediatamente me banea el pinche joto, estoy seriamente pensando en abndonar a /sp/ por esto, desde que el pinche chino se hico dueño se ha hido a la verga.

masher 09/23/2019 (Mon) 05:03:33 [Preview] No.277 [X] del

se parece a cuando el prieto ese "redwood" trai de bajada a /co/ porque ponian que era negro (literalmente, quien sabe como sacaron su dox, kek)

Masher 09/23/2019 (Mon) 21:34:18 [Preview] No.283 [X] del
O está mal clover o el negro ya le dió auto sage

Anonymous 09/24/2019 (Tue) 04:11:52 [Preview] No.288 [X] del >>289>>292
(325.07 KB 720x1440 20190923_230845.png)
Me encontré está en la tarde que iba a postear para ver si estaban bloqueados los bumps lol

masher 09/24/2019 (Tue) 04:32:56 [Preview] No.289 [X] del
(92.77 KB 512x512 Messi.jpg)

Imagebro##2lEAvi 09/24/2019 (Tue) 04:56:30 [Preview] No.292 [X] del >>293
Tambien me bannearon el movil

masher 09/24/2019 (Tue) 05:56:12 [Preview] No.293 [X] del
this is it lol

meh, it was a good run anyway

>mfw soon /ligma/ is going to be reddit-tier

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 06:53:17 [Preview] No.471 [X] del >>474>>475
>call myself el tw@t de chivASS
>get banned for a month
Reply to this post with what i should put in my appeal in 2 days.

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 20:42:45 [Preview] No.474 [X] del
Pinches mods no valen verga, los voy a encontrar los voy a matar y luego los voy a violar a ustedes y toda su pinche familia incluyendo a sus mascotas hijos de puta.

Love anon

El compa TW@ 09/30/2019 (Mon) 22:08:41 [Preview] No.475 [X] del >>477>>480
>make sports related post with no indication that it's me
>still get banned for ban evading

How do they know it's me?

masher 10/01/2019 (Tue) 04:29:03 [Preview] No.477 [X] del

cache, estilometria (como escribes, trata de cambiarle un poco), MD5 (el hash de las fotos que pones, rangos (ip dinamica pero en el mismo rango posteando sobre las mismas cosas

Anonymous 10/01/2019 (Tue) 06:30:01 [Preview] No.480 [X] del >>482
>How do they know it's me?
They don't, they just guess, they banned me thinking it was you, just cause I mentioned a prostitute gf, and being a fan of a shit team.

masher 10/01/2019 (Tue) 20:08:57 [Preview] No.482 [X] del >>488
(99.66 KB 292x257 Jajaja.png)

Anonymous 10/02/2019 (Wed) 07:04:47 [Preview] No.488 [X] del >>489
Just posted an appeal let's see what happens.

masher 10/02/2019 (Wed) 08:29:22 [Preview] No.489 [X] del >>490

mejor evade, cierra navegador, reinicia el router y usa ccleaner, al rato se les olvida /ligamx/ hoy en el thread de boca-river estaban posteando a la linaliis y ahi dejaron los posts como 1 hora

la moderacion en 4chan esta llena de gente retrasada

Anonymous 10/02/2019 (Wed) 08:34:11 [Preview] No.490 [X] del >>492
>al rato se les olvida /ligamx/ hoy en el thread de boca-river estaban posteando a la linaliis y ahi dejaron los posts como 1 hora
Los jannies la traen en contra de los pendejos del tw@t y imgbro por eso se la pasan revisando /ligamx/ tanto,no se que hicieron ellos pero los jannies en verdad los odian por que nada mas los mencionas y te borran tu post.

El pinche TW@ 10/03/2019 (Thu) 04:26:04 [Preview] No.492 [X] del
Al imagebro no lo quieren por postear tantas fotos de viejas, se me hace que empesaron a banearlo cuando subio fotos de mati ya que era menor de edad.

A mi no me quieren por mierda posting y por evadir. Si posteo algo de la maquina el puto janny ya sabe que soy yo

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 07:05:46 [Preview] No.493 [X] del >>498
So I can post now which means the mods actually read my shit and decided to remove the ban, so they don't seem to be the ones who have it in for us.

TW@ 10/03/2019 (Thu) 22:28:50 [Preview] No.498 [X] del >>499>>505
What did you say in your appeal?

Anonymous 10/04/2019 (Fri) 02:24:09 [Preview] No.499 [X] del >>500>>505

too make a long story short the crux of my argument was this

Anonymous 10/04/2019 (Fri) 02:27:36 [Preview] No.500 [X] del >>505
>tfe endchan eated your file

eh nevermind it is enough my appeal went thru

Anonymous 10/04/2019 (Fri) 07:30:19 [Preview] No.505 [X] del >>507>>512
>What did you say in your appeal?
Just the truth, I said I posted with your name as a reference cause you're a well known member of /ligaMuyX/, you know cause of the whole prostitute gf business, and that they mistook me for you.
btw this ain't me>>499>>500

TW@bro 10/04/2019 (Fri) 11:51:15 [Preview] No.507 [X] del >>515
>throwing me under the bus


Anonymous 10/04/2019 (Fri) 21:56:33 [Preview] No.512 [X] del
LOL "no me ayudes, compadre"

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 04:41:30 [Preview] No.515 [X] del
>>throwing me under the bus
Not really, it was more of a,you guys confused me with that loser tw@t when I'm not that much of a loser.

Anonymous 11/02/2019 (Sat) 03:27:24 [Preview] No.593 [X] del
Imagebro here, I can post images again, but still lurking on phone, looks like I'll stay like this for a while more than expected.

Anonymous 11/02/2019 (Sat) 05:15:59 [Preview] No.597 [X] del
Kek, un mod publico en el hilo de ligma

Anonymous 11/02/2019 (Sat) 05:16:06 [Preview] No.598 [X] del >>599>>602>>603
Mod closed our thread, he's actually right but the point is than our general still in the black list

Anonymous 11/02/2019 (Sat) 05:18:49 [Preview] No.599 [X] del
>he's actually right
No he fucking isn't, most of the posts are in english and how the fuck do you tell people to go discuss sports in int, fuck that shit website I'm done with them for good.

Anonymous 11/02/2019 (Sat) 05:19:52 [Preview] No.600 [X] del
(Para el nuevo hilo, si tienen una mejor idea para la edición, pueden cambiarla):

HuGOAT Sanchez Edition

>Jornada 17; only two spots for liguilla left
>Cruz Azul wants to save ligamx from FIESTA GRANDE: equipos chicos edition
>Imagebro(cute) no longer range-banned, is thot posting back?
>Jana post pic with her bf(rip imagebro)
>JuarASS blasted by the God's team
>Peláez wants Chicote Calderón & An-TUNA for Chivas
>Dr. Garcia reveals what happens at Villa Olímpica~
>G10 will be ready to play against Santos
>Piojo Herrera; "Mi esencia no la voy a cambiar"

El pinche TW@ 11/02/2019 (Sat) 05:40:50 [Preview] No.602 [X] del
This is racist >:(

masher 11/02/2019 (Sat) 05:41:45 [Preview] No.603 [X] del >>604
no mames, aunque tecnicamente este en lo correcto, de cuando aca van a cerrar hilos por eso? mientras tanto siguen posteando caldo en otros hilos, y hablan mas español en /libertadores/, puto mod es un MLStard, le arde el orto

masher 11/02/2019 (Sat) 05:46:22 [Preview] No.604 [X] del
entiendo que ligma nacio en 4chan, pero ya cansa que esten rompiendonos las pelotas por nada, pinche mod amerijoto seguidor del galaxy

Tw@ 11/02/2019 (Sat) 05:55:28 [Preview] No.605 [X] del >>607
So are we not allowed to make threads anymore then?

masher 11/02/2019 (Sat) 06:01:38 [Preview] No.607 [X] del >>608
todo en ingles, y a ver que puto pretexto se inventan

Tw@ 11/02/2019 (Sat) 06:08:48 [Preview] No.608 [X] del >>610
They're gonna say we can't discuss NFL or quiniela's anymore

Anonymous 11/02/2019 (Sat) 06:20:06 [Preview] No.610 [X] del
>quiniela's anymore
Just say it's fantasy football and they'll fuck off

Anonymous 11/03/2019 (Sun) 13:42:28 [Preview] No.632 [X] del >>634
I think we got bump locked again, current thread:


masher 11/03/2019 (Sun) 17:30:58 [Preview] No.634 [X] del
tambien que pinches ganas de estar en un sitio donde no los quieren...

si tanto les gusta 4chan y quieren joder al mod, vayanse a /libertadores/ o el de la liga de portugal y secuestren el hilo, asi el mod tendra que borrarlos tambien, o posteen en /mls/

pinche sitio de mierda, no vale la pena para ser honesto familia

Anonymous 11/19/2019 (Tue) 01:15:44 [Preview] No.690 [X] del >>693
For free.

masher 11/19/2019 (Tue) 16:00:16 [Preview] No.693 [X] del >>742
(207.41 KB 583x418 basedbulgaria.png)
>tapar la ip

ya sabemos que estas en juarez wey

Anonymous 11/21/2019 (Thu) 03:11:10 [Preview] No.742 [X] del
De seguro es para que el hacker 4chan no haga explotar los dispositivos que esten conectados al modem

Anonymous 11/24/2019 (Sun) 03:06:18 [Preview] No.756 [X] del
>banned for racism outside /b/

And i bet the other anón than clonned the new bread wont be banned, they are really after me.

Anonymous 11/24/2019 (Sun) 05:20:09 [Preview] No.757 [X] del >>758
Ok, this new OP removed exactly the racist words, am I overthinking this dude made me post that to get me banned so he reported me so he could make new threa?

Anonymous 11/25/2019 (Mon) 02:48:23 [Preview] No.758 [X] del
lol He is an alium we te trae en salsa

Anonymous 12/04/2019 (Wed) 00:18:06 [Preview] No.788 [X] del >>789>>795
Yeah, range banned again, i cant even post text. Dont know how damnlñ long this will be...

masher 12/04/2019 (Wed) 00:36:32 [Preview] No.789 [X] del >>790
movil? he notado que cuando estoy en datos (en el trabajo) siempre estoy baneado

algo offtopic pero /bundes/ tambien sufre del bumplock

https://boards.4channel.org/sp/thread/97360279, puse unos post ahi para ver si bumpeaba y no, siguen en pahina 9

masher 12/04/2019 (Wed) 00:38:52 [Preview] No.790 [X] del
igual fuck it... ya estoy pensando seriamente en darles unos dollares

20 dllrs (400 pesos) por 12 meses es barato comparado con lo que me gasto en onlyfans

Anonymous 12/04/2019 (Wed) 05:42:21 [Preview] No.792 [X] del >>793>>794
Now they are telling some crazy conspiracy theories about me being the chileANO janny wtf

Masher 12/04/2019 (Wed) 06:27:57 [Preview] No.793 [X] del
Debe ser por los 42 post que borraron hace rato junto con el thread nuevo, a /bundes/ también le dieron bumplock a la misma hora

NotMasher 12/04/2019 (Wed) 06:42:53 [Preview] No.794 [X] del


TW@ the CHAD 12/05/2019 (Thu) 06:44:19 [Preview] No.795 [X] del >>803
(37.60 KB 600x514 1573886780090.jpg)
Who am I supposed to bully now?

Anonymous 12/07/2019 (Sat) 16:20:25 [Preview] No.803 [X] del >>808
Ok, im not banned anymore, i dont know if its a mobile thing or they are just rangebanning people to avoid us evading

masher 12/08/2019 (Sun) 14:06:26 [Preview] No.808 [X] del
yo creo que es cosa de tu red celular, a mi a veces me sale el mismo mensaje cuando ando en puros datos

Anonymous 12/18/2019 (Wed) 22:26:50 [Preview] No.886 [X] del
Repeat after me:

Por amor al arte

Anonymous 12/21/2019 (Sat) 06:01:13 [Preview] No.901 [X] del
>get banned
>meme conspiracies comes out

Every single time

Anonymous 12/26/2019 (Thu) 13:35:41 [Preview] No.919 [X] del >>920
>"you are posting toó much"
>"we keep the proxyless spammer anyways"

Fuck, they really hate me.

Anonymous 12/26/2019 (Thu) 17:05:27 [Preview] No.920 [X] del >>921
Well, you do post alot

Anonymous 12/27/2019 (Fri) 00:57:53 [Preview] No.921 [X] del
(755.97 KB 1242x1370 1576452082646.jpg)
This last month was the time than I've been posting the less since I found /ligamx/, literally the worse moment to ban me for spam.

Anonymous 01/01/2020 (Wed) 20:34:29 [Preview] No.973 [X] del

Anonymous 01/01/2020 (Wed) 20:57:16 [Preview] No.974 [X] del
hol up hol up hol up
so you be sayin...
/sp/ jannies bannin niggas 4 memes?
we talkin bout memes?
we talkin bout memes?
we talkin bout memes?

TW@tter 01/03/2020 (Fri) 00:41:28 [Preview] No.975 [X] del >>976>>977>>978
(37.81 KB 640x640 1577036734220.jpg)
Is /ligma/ officially dead?

Anonymous 01/03/2020 (Fri) 03:01:08 [Preview] No.976 [X] del

Anonymous 01/03/2020 (Fri) 03:01:41 [Preview] No.977 [X] del

Anonymous 01/03/2020 (Fri) 08:14:57 [Preview] No.978 [X] del >>979
Seems that way :( they dont even wait to see if we do something wrong, just bumplock us and ban me.

Should we move to 8kun or what?

masher 01/03/2020 (Fri) 16:08:03 [Preview] No.979 [X] del
sa la pasa caido y no se puede crear boards

seria retrasado esperar discusion seria en 4chan pero si, los ultimos hilos son peores que ir al /mex/ que hacian en /b/ en las madrugadas

ahi le dare bump si lo veo, pero prefiero pasarla en /g/

Anonymous 01/07/2020 (Tue) 20:19:08 [Preview] No.998 [X] del
And you keep saying than im the janny

Anonymous 01/13/2020 (Mon) 03:35:11 [Preview] No.1091 [X] del >>1093

Anonymous 01/13/2020 (Mon) 06:40:32 [Preview] No.1093 [X] del
You can talk about her, her:https://endchan.net/ligamx/res/651.html

Whats wrong hermano? Take that shit out if your system.

Anonymous 01/17/2020 (Fri) 04:23:13 [Preview] No.1178 [X] del
Ni aguantan nada

Anonymous 03/06/2020 (Fri) 16:02:53 [Preview] No.1481 [X] del >>1482
go go go, now you can be a like /ourguy/


maybe he can give us a few tips to past the test, please imagebro

Anonymous 03/06/2020 (Fri) 16:06:43 [Preview] No.1482 [X] del >>1483
Wait... I remember doing meme magic to avoid my range ban, that means I killed the jannie??? I just wanted to post garotas :'°(

masher 03/06/2020 (Fri) 18:13:35 [Preview] No.1483 [X] del
que el imagebro no es jannie??

pues has mememagia para un compu wey

Anon 03/25/2020 (Wed) 21:11:54 [Preview] No.1584 [X] del >>1585
OH NO Y AHORA QUE HARE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Anon 03/25/2020 (Wed) 22:58:32 [Preview] No.1585 [X] del >>1586
>1 day of ban

Wtf thats alot

Anon 03/26/2020 (Thu) 02:11:17 [Preview] No.1586 [X] del
Thats not the problem, the problem is that I got it just has I hit the new reply button to a thread, which may or may not have been against the rules, guess thay are more active and handing down those bans to curve the shitposting during the pandemic and everyone being at home. I guess all mods and janitors are active most of the time now.

Anon 04/09/2020 (Thu) 01:20:38 [Preview] No.1685 [X] del >>1686>>1687
Pero que mierda, sólo quería usar datos para avisar que no tenia infinitum.

Anon 04/09/2020 (Thu) 01:21:27 [Preview] No.1686 [X] del
Imma imagebro btw, keep it up brehs, we gonna make it. Keep ligma bread alive pls.

Anon 04/09/2020 (Thu) 02:47:06 [Preview] No.1687 [X] del >>1688>>1690
Quien te manda por no pagar wey

Anon 04/09/2020 (Thu) 05:04:41 [Preview] No.1688 [X] del >>1690
Breh, last time we paid the bill, there was a debt of 3 months and we still having internet(slow as fuck), according to "new comunications" law, they cant cancel your service but only reduce your download band, we paid and shit, but i dont know if they dont give a fuck about that anymore, they just cutted the service, maybe they are short on cash and need lazy people to pay kek

M 04/09/2020 (Thu) 06:38:25 [Preview] No.1690 [X] del >>1691
El imagebro no necesita pagar servicios, como está especificado cuando entras a los Iluminati

No sabía, yo dure como 8 meses, creo que ya me lo dieron de baja, ya en la app no entra el password

Igual en esa casa solo estaba de adorno

E igual no puedo postear desde el teléfono y el puto pass es con pura crypto no aceptan Paypal

Anon 04/09/2020 (Thu) 07:32:00 [Preview] No.1691 [X] del >>1693
(76.11 KB 640x640 1537871628568.jpg)
>como está especificado cuando entras a los Iluminati
Kek, están que se les hacen agua las nalgas de que me vaya con ellos, no solo a mi, han ido a jalarle las patas a familiares mios para que me les una y trabaje para ellos, pero sé que no los necesito, por eso voy por mi camino. Este planeta es nuestro y no quiero hibridar con nadie, si tuvieran huevos se mostrarían tal como son, COBARDES, MENTIROSOS, CORRUPTOS, LARGO DE MI PLANETA!!!

masher 04/09/2020 (Thu) 12:49:37 [Preview] No.1693 [X] del
(25.07 KB 641x530 1493349101291.jpg)

Anon 04/30/2020 (Thu) 01:14:09 [Preview] No.1815 [X] del
Lmao, forgot I cant openly say who i'm there.

Imagine the jannies chat: "banhammer imagegay at sight" "roger" "i bate that mexican fag"

masher 07/05/2020 (Sun) 02:06:30 [Preview] No.2043 [X] del >>2044>>2046>>2047
(84.22 KB 790x517 4chan_Banned.jpg)
(66.28 KB 250x250 1578468278185.png)
(211.20 KB 600x485 AME de eliminación.png)
>baneado por hacerme pasar por el imagecuate

de una vez voy a confesar la mayoria de mis samefagging identidades:
a capela poster, filename "ame de eliminacion"(most are me)
masher (ofc)
anais meow y a mimir (most me)
amlo poster (no todos)
posts burlandose de >la maquina (most me)

sorry ligma lol, cebollas un autista y simplemente no puedo parar

masher 07/05/2020 (Sun) 02:08:28 [Preview] No.2044 [X] del

based tripcodes

Anon 07/05/2020 (Sun) 04:25:18 [Preview] No.2046 [X] del
(110.47 KB 1034x576 banned.jpg)
That explain why I got banned but they didn't kill the thread, I woke up seeing than they banned me for the Yazmin post, pic related.

It was a flood/spam ban.

Anon 07/05/2020 (Sun) 04:27:15 [Preview] No.2047 [X] del >>2050
>a capela poster, filename "ame de eliminacion"(most are me)
>anais meow y a mimir (most me)
Kek I though it was another anon

masher 07/05/2020 (Sun) 05:05:11 [Preview] No.2050 [X] del >>2316
nel, se me quedo de los dias cuando un hilo duraba 3 dias y tenia 40 replies

eran tiempos duros y me acuerdo que un anon que le iba al atlas y yo no la pasabamos haciendo samefag

por la estilometria crei que era el newsbro pero luego puso hace poco que le va a santos, entonces no es el

y de los americanos que posteaban eran galaxitive, ebays y sex fiberglass

de ahi se me quedo eso de crear identidades para llenar el thread lol
y si:

- si busque quien es anais meow, aunque no me gustan las que no enseñan cara kek
- del a capela, solo busque las canciones mas "nacas" que imagine le caerian mal a todos
- de la maquina me burlaba mas antes, ahora ya hasta me gustaria que ganaran un titulo para darles carrilla
- el amlo poster solo lo hice por chingar con los normies

Masher 07/14/2020 (Tue) 03:15:23 [Preview] No.2108 [X] del >>2109
(203.84 KB 1402x2048 EbdvMJeXkAEcN_y.jpeg)
Banned again for that Pokemon silver post

LMAO fuck this

Anon 07/14/2020 (Tue) 03:30:58 [Preview] No.2109 [X] del >>2111
I got banned the other day for those mercado libre post I made kek. Why you don't play the DS remake, Soul Silver.

masher 07/14/2020 (Tue) 04:13:53 [Preview] No.2111 [X] del
apenas lo ordene, me llega pasado mañana junto con un cartucho r4
mierda de moderacion, aprovechare para descansar de 4chan

Anon 07/19/2020 (Sun) 06:08:24 [Preview] No.2139 [X] del
How do they even know at this point kek?

Anon 07/23/2020 (Thu) 23:04:01 [Preview] No.2171 [X] del >>2172
You were issued a warning on /sp/ with the following message:

4chan is an English language imageboard, please use non-English only in designated boards (i.e. /int/)

Your warning was issued on July 23rd, 2020. The name you were posting with was Anonymous. In addition to heeding this warning, please review the rules and FAQ.

Now that you have seen this message, you should be able to post again. Click here to return.

masher 07/24/2020 (Fri) 01:55:17 [Preview] No.2172 [X] del >>2173

no he posteado desde el mediodia que me banearon en /g/ kek

Anon 07/24/2020 (Fri) 05:12:26 [Preview] No.2173 [X] del >>2174
(339.34 KB 572x557 1595181236148.png)
Not that anon, but what board is that?

masher 07/24/2020 (Fri) 05:47:13 [Preview] No.2174 [X] del
(5.96 MB 553x277 825.gif)
me banearon desde ayer por "quality of posts" (1 dia)

tiene los janies mas autistas despues de los de /a/ pero es divertido ir y poner cosas como que tienes productos de apple, o que windows 10 funciona mejor que cualquier distro de linux

masher 07/24/2020 (Fri) 07:20:25 [Preview] No.2175 [X] del >>2176
vamos a ver cuanto tarda el jannie de /soc/ en reportarme

al rato pongo la captura, cuando me caiga el ban

masher 07/24/2020 (Fri) 18:48:04 [Preview] No.2176 [X] del >>2206
(75.00 KB 802x471 4chan-Warned.jpg)
no me banearon pero me dieron esta mierda haha
>2020 the year of our Lord and Savior
>not knowing multiple languages
pobre conserje pendejo

por este post, lmao

Anon 07/27/2020 (Mon) 02:23:02 [Preview] No.2206 [X] del
A mi si me banearon por hablar en español hace como tres semanas

Anon 08/08/2020 (Sat) 17:44:10 [Preview] No.2316 [X] del >>2317

Eso no computa man, ¿Siquiera se mato por irle a un equipo fracasado ? (Si es que era real).

masher 08/09/2020 (Sun) 02:06:05 [Preview] No.2317 [X] del
el vato que le iba al atlas? ni idea, pero cuando comenze a hacer los threads el menciono que le iba al atlas, desaparecio casi al mismo tiempo que norteño y que el mexican master race

al menos ligma hace que le duela el orto a un moderador

Anon 08/09/2020 (Sun) 05:42:55 [Preview] No.2322 [X] del
(262.13 KB 584x500 1583208857844.png)
Pictocompadre here, still under this one month ban, they hammer on me if I try to evade it. Seems like mods gave clear orders to jannies about me.

masher 08/09/2020 (Sun) 16:46:24 [Preview] No.2326 [X] del

>imaginate lamerle el escroto a los mods para que no borren tu precioso thread
>imaginate ser un rulecuck

que bajo cayo /ligma/ desde que se aceptaron /int/ards y redditores

masher 08/10/2020 (Mon) 22:59:00 [Preview] No.2340 [X] del >>2365
(323.31 KB 230x392 pastel carne1.webm)

>They are whining about it for weeks, I bet it's the MUTT who I tell him to fuck off in spanish when he said everyone has to talk in english in a typical racist and retard way.

>That, or the Masher posting here.

#sigh# ni siquiera deberia contestar eso sin semi doxearme... pero contrario a lo que todos creen, mi trabajo esta relacionado con LE, a veces duro dias/semanas sin visitar 4chan, y cuando lo hago solo hablo español cuando estoy cansado

todos mis ban han sido de 3 dias por offtopic, lo cual es pura mierda dado que si buscas, hay peores cosas que lo que pongo, solo volvere a poner cosas on topic, como los webms, aun asi estoy seguro que encontraran otra forma de colgarme el milagrito, o quiza quieren que siga donando, en todos los pass que he comprado a he gasado como 150 dllrs...

>mucho texto
los janies a la traian contra /ligma/
postee yo o no.

ni siquiera estoy evadiando ahora.

Funposter 08/13/2020 (Thu) 07:13:34 [Preview] No.2365 [X] del
>los janies a la traian contra /ligma/
ture dat, I get warned every fucking day just for posting in spanish and all my posts get deleted. Meanwhile hues,portuguese, and some east yuros post on their language constantly and their shit never gets deleted.

Funposter 08/13/2020 (Thu) 22:04:24 [Preview] No.2366 [X] del >>2367
(95.73 KB 718x475 sdddddd.png)
Imagehammered here

masher 08/14/2020 (Fri) 00:01:40 [Preview] No.2367 [X] del
(6.80 MB 1280x720 lel.mp4)
>la era del imagejannie is over
>he's out to greener pastures like noko, norteño, mexican masterrace, ebays, wesley, futbolmetro, el capitan guero, etc etc


Funposter 08/16/2020 (Sun) 04:00:33 [Preview] No.2391 [X] del >>2392
(66.26 KB 791x306 el americANO.jpg)
look at this fucking faggot

Funposter 08/16/2020 (Sun) 05:30:03 [Preview] No.2392 [X] del >>2393
Que verga, in what thread mod said that?

Anon 08/23/2020 (Sun) 05:05:52 [Preview] No.2459 [X] del >>2462>>2509
(13.07 KB 417x297 RIP.png)
LMAO looks like I fucked up

masher 08/23/2020 (Sun) 16:18:41 [Preview] No.2462 [X] del
based imagedrunk

i got a 3 day ban too, as expected, too lazy to post the screen now

Anon 08/23/2020 (Sun) 19:58:19 [Preview] No.2464 [X] del >>2467
(95.30 KB 766x616 dadadadad.png)

Masher 08/24/2020 (Mon) 05:44:51 [Preview] No.2467 [X] del
>stuck with izzi semi dynamic ip's
>Got a mail from my boy slim (pic)
>Back to Infinitum very dynamic ip's
Based Telmex helping ban evaders

Post in the appeal
"You guys are faggots"

Anon 08/26/2020 (Wed) 05:45:50 [Preview] No.2509 [X] del
LOL, serves you right retard.

Masher 08/30/2020 (Sun) 03:56:07 [Preview] No.2574 [X] del
>ban del 2015

Anon 09/28/2020 (Mon) 17:29:43 [Preview] No.2973 [X] del >>2979
Adiós /guard1anes2020/.
By the way, i didnt evade a shit, my month ban got ended up last week.

Masher 09/28/2020 (Mon) 20:43:35 [Preview] No.2979 [X] del
Appeal then

Anon 11/20/2020 (Fri) 21:32:00 [Preview] No.3898 [X] del
(108.42 KB 733x633 Sin sdfddsf.png)
RIP el pictohermano

masher 11/22/2020 (Sun) 18:44:44 [Preview] No.3933 [X] del
(104.29 KB 785x454 warn.jpg)
lmao. me borraron el post de Jen

Anon 12/21/2020 (Mon) 23:28:56 [Preview] No.4284 [X] del
(81.49 KB 716x372 wew.png)
Wow, these niggas ain't playing.

Anon 01/02/2021 (Sat) 16:50:49 [Preview] No.4457 [X] del
This is really getting sad lol

Remember kids 4chan is a serious business and there is no fun allowed

Anon 01/13/2021 (Wed) 18:47:40 [Preview] No.4567 [X] del
Rip anais posting

Anon 01/20/2021 (Wed) 18:08:18 [Preview] No.4630 [X] del
Rip in quiniela

Anon 03/16/2021 (Tue) 02:09:23 [Preview] No.5024 [X] del >>5025

Anon 03/16/2021 (Tue) 02:47:07 [Preview] No.5025 [X] del
KEK This new jannie is either latino or the gringo ones are learning our slangs.

Anon 03/23/2021 (Tue) 00:25:29 [Preview] No.5048 [X] del
Looks like I'll be taking a long break of 4chen :thinken:

Anon 09/10/2021 (Fri) 03:49:35 [Preview] No.6003 [X] del

Anon 09/11/2021 (Sat) 00:17:40 [Preview] No.6007 [X] del >>6008
And im sure they will have tons of 9-11 spam tomorrow and none will be banned

Anon 09/11/2021 (Sat) 04:53:06 [Preview] No.6008 [X] del
Mas bien ya te identifico el moderador sueco por andar haciendo tus spams cagados.

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