07/26/2020 (Sun) 04:04:53
No.2189 [X]
now you have the mp4 file, you just need to make the webm, open the converter, load the video and use this settings (more to explain)
- about the settings
i picked 410 because to be honest, you don't need to make big webms for game threads, or for goals no one is going to save, my suggestion is, keep it on 410 OR 360 if you need to post a long webm
- trim video
this is to only use a part of the video source and not all the mp4, ideal for goals or reaction webms
- bitrate
i use 1500 BUT 1200 is enough to get a good webm without garbage, play with this setting until you find the one is good for you
- crop size
this is just for reaction webms, feel free to play with it until you get the gist of it