/lounge/ - The "Ω" Lounge

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Welcome to The "Ω" Lounge. Take a seat, relax, and order up some quality content (QC).

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Welcome Thread Lounglie 01/02/2016 (Sat) 19:25:05 [Preview] No. 1
Original Welcome Post. More to come soon!
Edited last time by Lounglie on 01/02/2016 (Sat) 20:13:53.

Mr(s). Anonymous Board owner 01/02/2016 (Sat) 20:01:03 [Preview] No. 3 del
If you're unsure whether your post quantifies as improper content for this board, please make use of the following checklist:
>>I am posting content that will not benefit others. (_)
>>I cannot explain to myself why the content I am about to post is important. (_)
>>I realize I am about to post a thread of poor quality but just don't care. (_)

If you found yourself checking off any of these statements, you should reconsider posting.

>Posts that will get you banned.
-Child pornography (i.e. images of children where the child is exposed or engaged in a sexual act - not necessarily just pictures of young girls or boys).
-Being a generally uncouth person (We keep track of poster I.D.s; if you continually make useless posts on this board, post dubious or illegal content, or otherwise act like a mumpsimus, you'll likely get the boot).

If you would like to appeal a ban, you can contact me via email. I will always have my email in the email field of my posts, so by right-clicking my name and selecting "open in new tab", you'll be able to immediately find it.
Edited last time by Lounglie on 01/02/2016 (Sat) 20:07:35.

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