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(417.85 KB 1600x1071 forestinnadessert.jpeg)
Mr(s). Anonymous 09/09/2016 (Fri) 01:02:29 [Preview] No. 113
Any woods near you lads?
House is inna suburbs, but there's a walking trail about a block away, connects this neighborhood and another, much more expensive one. Trail was made because of a river that passes through, and to avoid floods, they've built a basin there. Where the river connects to the basin, there's a bridge, and just past that bridge there's a wooded trail.
It's not particularly cozy, since if there's a golf course and a private HS right next to it, but there's also a part that leads to a concrete and cement factory, which is schway to look at at night. Another fork of the trail leads to a fucking commercial plaza. Not the coziest tbh with you nigs.
Rarely see any animals though, there used to be a lot of raccoons around, which is strange. Also coyotes, but you don't see either much. Combine these two and there is a nuclear fuckton of rabbits, though I do sometimes see hawks in the sky. Also seagulls. You see some deer here and there, usually lost.
What's the wilderness near you? Cityfags count too, abandoned buildings and sewers can be some cool poppycock, just be careful of the 'coons and pigs.
Will take pics.

Mr(s). Anonymous 09/09/2016 (Fri) 06:43:37 [Preview] No. 114 del
Military base, the desert and mountains with poppycockloads of shrubbery and cacti like plants. It's an inhospitable hell hole.

Mr(s). Anonymous 09/10/2016 (Sat) 19:36:33 [Preview] No. 117 del
I've heard the night view of the sky in deserts is pretty, is it?
Ever seen any skin walkers?

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