/lounge/ - The "Ω" Lounge

The lounge at the end of the universe.

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Welcome to The "Ω" Lounge. Take a seat, relax, and order up some quality content (QC).

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Mr(s). Anonymous 04/04/2016 (Mon) 22:29:31 [Preview] No. 77
How was your day today Ω/lounge/?

Mr(s). Anonymous 06/20/2016 (Mon) 16:28:19 [Preview] No. 100 del
College studying for an exam I know I'll most probably fail. Wasting time on a computer. Shit.

Mr(s). Anonymous 06/20/2016 (Mon) 16:44:50 [Preview] No. 101 del
Get off the computer and start studying again!!

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