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Books who spoils anime

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Anonymous 07/01/2016 (Fri) 15:04:48 [Preview] No. 146
What to read this season to spoil everyone : the thread.

Anonymous 07/01/2016 (Fri) 15:16:53 [Preview] No. 147 del
(48.59 KB 307x384 Smug.jpg)
Fukigen na Mononokean.

2 guys, plenty of demons invading the real world, wonder how that will go? Well not the way you would think.
Instead of fighting, our protags prefer to discuss and negociate with demons how they would prefer to go back home without being violent.

And that's all there is to it, so recommended for people who like "comfy" stories or cute creatures.

Anonymous 07/01/2016 (Fri) 15:32:58 [Preview] No. 148 del
(57.46 KB 314x446 Smug again.jpg)

Resume is exactly what the OP picture says and it derives into stories about friendship and love. Beginning is really tedious and classic but it shines when there's happenings and characters development goes even further beyond.

So good once it reaches around chapter 40.

Anonymous 07/01/2016 (Fri) 15:51:44 [Preview] No. 149 del
(366.03 KB 1920x1080 No place for smug here.jpg)

I don't know if it really needs a presentation due to it's reputation so let's say the anime will feature Guts the black swordsman who got really fucked up due to being backstabbed by it's former friend and must seek revenge by battling evil creatures who chase him with his big ass sword and find a way to cure his girlfriend disease which is close to Alzheimer.
The manga is stuck on a island instead of a boat for now.

Anonymous 07/01/2016 (Fri) 16:20:55 [Preview] No. 150 del
this board's CSS is god-tier

the font is to die for

Anonymous 07/02/2016 (Sat) 15:16:26 [Preview] No. 153 del
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(130.76 KB 514x386 Cuckold story.png)
Hatsukoi monster.

What if you take an high school loli, a elementary school boy who's looking like he's 20, make them a couple while introducing a guy who's in love in traps but who has still a girlfriend and many more extremes to come while calling all of that "cute" with "LOL RANDOM" humor?

The show that will prove anime was an error. To avoid or to laugh at the fanbase.

Anonymous 07/02/2016 (Sat) 18:12:23 [Preview] No. 156 del
(245.30 KB 419x1054 Real human smug.png)

A guy who isn't made for physical effort decide to train hard to become a footballer due to being saved from thugs by one who admired his courage.

Average story, interesting if you like MCs who goes even further beyond for a sport, else it's meh.

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