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memester 04/18/2020 (Sat) 04:16:34 [Preview] No. 1433

memester 04/18/2020 (Sat) 10:51:43 [Preview] No.1434 del
What are memes?

memester 04/20/2020 (Mon) 03:11:21 [Preview] No.1435 del
Maybe they left when /sp/ did. Maybe reddit stole them. Maybe... they were never here.

memester 07/11/2020 (Sat) 01:38:25 [Preview] No.1440 del
yea, there was a guy from /pol/ and /news/ i think that if he saw nsfw stuff on the front page he'd post 5-6 pics of girls in bikinis, kinda jail baity pictures that he seemed to earnestly believe were 18+. so, hebe, or maybe legitimately naive. one day he happened to actually posted these girls on /sp/ in response to /sp/ repeatedly posting some meatspin gif.
anyway, there was some back and forth, a few posts on /pol/ and /news/ then this board came about. just a spam bot of a tranny and xir feminine penis that would automatically delete itself.
it was beautiful.
it also broke endchan.

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