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Best covers of songs you ever witnessed Anonymous 01/02/2016 (Sat) 07:20:40 [Preview] No. 1
What the title says. Post your best covers.

Gary Moore violin and cello cover


>pic unrelated

Johnny Cash - Hurt Anonymous 01/29/2016 (Fri) 04:47:23 [Preview] No. 146 del

Anonymous 01/29/2016 (Fri) 16:34:36 [Preview] No. 164 del
That's not a cover.

Anonymous 02/03/2016 (Wed) 03:47:08 [Preview] No. 184 del
(21.09 KB 1000x1000 zero hour.png)
gr8 b8 m8

Anonymous 02/03/2016 (Wed) 22:15:35 [Preview] No. 185 del
That's Johny Cash

Anonymous 02/07/2016 (Sun) 18:14:10 [Preview] No. 188 del
Tom Rapp (Pearls Before Swine)'s cover of Leonard Cohen's "Suzanne":

Anonymous 02/11/2016 (Thu) 00:00:28 [Preview] No. 190 del
The voice is cancer, but I like sawyer

Anonymous 02/11/2016 (Thu) 09:59:13 [Preview] No. 201 del
I get it, you're just PRETENDING to be retarded.

Anonymous 03/01/2016 (Tue) 06:45:59 [Preview] No. 251 del
I just want to take it so fucking bad.

Anonymous 03/31/2016 (Thu) 21:34:57 [Preview] No. 346 del
I like this cover of the dissection song a whole lot.

Anonymous 03/31/2016 (Thu) 23:11:36 [Preview] No. 347 del
this is an improved cover of a mediocre song

Anonymous 04/12/2016 (Tue) 16:30:18 [Preview] No. 356 del

Stevie Ray Vaughan cover of voodoo child

Anonymous 06/17/2016 (Fri) 09:03:25 [Preview] No. 943 del
I was going to make a general "post covers" thread but this will do.

I heard this one the radio today, I have a new local station that actually doesn't suck (it's listener funded).

Sturgill Simpson - In Bloom

Cover of Nirvana's In Bloom

This is from the album 'A Sailor's Guide to Earth'

Like it a lot. More than anything I'm just amazed that I actually have a radio station on the dial that consistently plays interesting music

Anonymous 06/17/2016 (Fri) 14:35:14 [Preview] No. 944 del
>Best covers of songs you ever witnessed
What does that mean? Cover I have seen in person? How, why, how would that be not rare? This is one worst Op titles, and it's the bloody first one. What kind of Mickey Mitt McDonald operation is this?

Anonymous 06/17/2016 (Fri) 17:13:56 [Preview] No. 945 del
(242.04 KB 804x569 please play.PNG)
It is.
Great stuff.
How can something you enjoy be cancer? Has somebody told you that? Sounds like utter garbage. Use your radio, it should please you.
How can you tell the difference?
Not bad, just common for the genre.
Which song is that? This choice was rather unexpected.
Sadly couldn't finish the meal.
I think this screen shoot sums it all up. Can't tell what he adds to the song.
I did not expect something with a godawful cover to be so interesting. The real negative is this style is nothing new hence restrictions. Decent stuff.

Anonymous 06/18/2016 (Sat) 08:34:17 [Preview] No. 953 del
Yeah, I would have preferred a "just post covers" thread but this will do. Post covers

Anonymous 06/18/2016 (Sat) 08:44:14 [Preview] No. 954 del
And just to add, this board really thrives when people post music even if there's always questions on whether or not it perfectly matches OP's meaning. Just fucking post some music.

Okay since I can't think about some good covers, I have to resort to Richard Cheese.

Cover of 'Rape me' by Nirvana

I remember looking into Richard in the past and finding that he's fairly affordable to have flown out for parties or whatnot.

From the album 'Lounge Against The Machine'

Anonymous 06/18/2016 (Sat) 17:08:14 [Preview] No. 962 del
So you wanted a thread with covers people had seen irl? You mean live?
Fucking is it really that hard to convey that simple message?
Of course /mu/ thrives when people post music, of course. But do you really want quantity over quality. Oh just post, spam the whole damn board until oblivion. Does that really sound like a good idea?

Anonymous 06/18/2016 (Sat) 23:58:35 [Preview] No. 968 del
Are you just trying to be difficult? This board isn't going to be spammed to oblivion it requires actually acquiring an uploading a file rather than embedding a youtube automatically.

Or do you have a problem with Richard Cheese?

God damn it's a music board don't be so serious

Anonymous 06/19/2016 (Sun) 01:43:16 [Preview] No. 970 del
>Are you just trying to be difficult?
Yes, I have my motives.

A lot of people seem to have a lot shitty shit. And they post it, a lot. And it is things enjoyed by people who are not even into music, who merely put the radio on and don't any further thoughts.

>Or do you have a problem with Richard Cheese?
No, I have not spoken of him.
>God damn it's a music board don't be so serious
Why shouldn't music be serious? Why must be a constant joke? A godamn clown parade that never ends and people can do whatever they want and call it music. I don't want that. Comedy and light hearted things shouldn't be banned, but should absolutely not be the focus.

This is why I'm the nuisance that I'm.

But who knows. Maybe I'll adopt your lazy ways and simply stop.

Anonymous 06/20/2016 (Mon) 05:44:43 [Preview] No. 975 del
I was basically saying to post music. This board isn't inundated with tons of mostly shitty music. On the whole it has good music but it's kind of slow

Anonymous 06/20/2016 (Mon) 09:29:52 [Preview] No. 976 del
You are spot on when you say music can be so much more than background noise, something you say you enjoy because it's the only thing played on the radio and you never seek out new stuff yourself.

So post something worthwhile, or adopt a trip, snowflake.

Anonymous 06/20/2016 (Mon) 11:08:15 [Preview] No. 980 del
(341.73 KB 735x528 dowland feels.PNG)
I mostly want to avoid another 8ch /mu/ which was a cancerous version of 4ch /mu/. Yes, there are many great things here. I know, thus the effort.

I have posted, many things, yes. And I have no idea what Jack burton says at these times. Is it foul and witty?

>adopt trip
Even if I could, I wouldn't make that mistake again.

Anonymous 06/20/2016 (Mon) 14:49:25 [Preview] No. 982 del
>people complaining about no youtube embeds
come on folks you can fucking convert youtube to mp3 if you really want to post that, you can use the youtube-dl command or sth

Anonymous 08/12/2016 (Fri) 13:56:20 [Preview] No. 1340 del

Ruby Jane's cover of Wilco's 'I am trying to break your heart'

favourite cover, ever, but possibly because I also love the original

Anonymous 08/21/2016 (Sun) 22:09:33 [Preview] No. 1348 del
this is kind of a cover of the Simpsons theme.

Anonymous 08/24/2016 (Wed) 02:47:25 [Preview] No. 1350 del
Oh, dude. Panzereballet does things to me sexually. I fucking love that band. They're cover of the Muppets song mahna mana was amazing too.

Anonymous 12/31/2016 (Sat) 12:01:01 [Preview] No. 1607 del

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