/mu/ - Music

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Your ears are not made of platinum, you are a fool for believing so

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Welcome, banners and suggestions Anonymous Board owner 01/05/2016 (Tue) 16:55:49 [Preview] No. 16
Welcome to /mu/

Sorry for the delay in the care of the board. I figured /k/ would be more populous due to the large influx of /pol/ anons who also browse /k/.

You can know me as Wez and I will be looking after /mu/. My email is wezharp@mail.com if you need to contact me for any reason.


Due to "finitechan" no longer cycling board specific banners, I can't get my hands on the old /mu/ banners like I did with /k/ which is the reason for lack of a banner. I would like to ask you guys to submit any banners you want. The max size of the file for a banner is 200kb and I'd prefer banners to be sized to 300x100 but it's not a limit. GIFs don't work due to them exceeding 200kb. Lets make this place snazzy guys.

**** Edit ****

A good while ago, finitechan re-enabled board specific banner cycling. I was able to grab a few banners from finitechan's /mu/. I am still taking banners for this board so get your Club Mate ordered online for clandestine raves no one has heard about and GIMP fired up.


If you have any suggestions for the board, drop them below. I will be monitoring both boards so I will be prompt.

Thanks /mu/.
Edited last time by Wez on 01/26/2016 (Tue) 16:00:11.

Anonymous 01/10/2016 (Sun) 19:32:04 [Preview] No. 42 del
(37.50 KB 300x100 Untitled-1.jpg)
how bout this

Anonymous 01/10/2016 (Sun) 19:33:59 [Preview] No. 43 del
(37.54 KB 300x100 Untitled-2.jpg)
2nd attempt

Anonymous 01/10/2016 (Sun) 19:40:55 [Preview] No. 44 del
(41.86 KB 300x100 Untitled-3.jpg)
>implying I know about music
>implying I know french

Anonymous 01/10/2016 (Sun) 19:42:10 [Preview] No. 45 del
(38.89 KB 300x100 Untitled-3.jpg)

Anonymous 01/10/2016 (Sun) 19:53:51 [Preview] No. 46 del
(54.16 KB 300x100 Untitled-4.jpg)

Anonymous Board owner 01/10/2016 (Sun) 19:59:43 [Preview] No. 47 del
Added them. They are in circulation now.

Anonymous Board owner 01/10/2016 (Sun) 20:04:33 [Preview] No. 48 del
Testing the word filters:

Ear sex

Anonymous 01/18/2016 (Mon) 22:26:34 [Preview] No. 72 del
(61.61 KB 300x100 mubanner.png)

Anonymous Board owner 01/18/2016 (Mon) 22:28:59 [Preview] No. 74 del
Added it there, thanks anon.

Anonymous 01/25/2016 (Mon) 04:53:17 [Preview] No. 99 del
(51.37 KB 300x100 randomBanner.js.png)
Whoever made this one, props, that's dank as fuck

Anonymous 01/25/2016 (Mon) 07:23:36 [Preview] No. 102 del
(40.25 KB 600x400 5468004_4_l.jpg)
Hate to admit it but its from 8chan /mu/, BO said he would use old banners to make exiles feel more at home. Still a nice banner though

Anonymous Board owner 01/26/2016 (Tue) 15:54:59 [Preview] No. 104 del
Opinions on the word filters

I am eager to hear if anyone has any opinion on the word filters. If you are neutral, that's fine also.

Anonymous 01/27/2016 (Wed) 23:37:09 [Preview] No. 131 del
(40.45 KB 300x100 banner.png)
We need more a e s t h e t i c

Anonymous Board owner 01/28/2016 (Thu) 00:17:33 [Preview] No. 132 del
Added it just now

Anonymous 01/28/2016 (Thu) 00:26:13 [Preview] No. 133 del
mark as cuck
hotwheels as cripplejew
josh as cock
shitposting as funposting

Anonymous 01/28/2016 (Thu) 02:31:30 [Preview] No. 135 del

Anonymous 01/28/2016 (Thu) 02:51:37 [Preview] No. 137 del
word filters are dumb, but I don't mind these.

Anonymous Board owner 01/28/2016 (Thu) 19:18:57 [Preview] No. 143 del
I removed the post just now, saw that you were trying to make a thread instead. Often happens to me.


You guys are really making a nice board (/mu/ browsers). The board is looking pretty nice now. Posting top notch content. Respect.

Anonymous 02/11/2016 (Thu) 07:30:54 [Preview] No. 198 del
What the hell is ear sex?

Anonymous 02/11/2016 (Thu) 07:39:55 [Preview] No. 199 del




Anonymous 02/11/2016 (Thu) 07:40:28 [Preview] No. 200 del
doubly dubs

Anonymous 04/18/2016 (Mon) 07:38:25 [Preview] No. 373 del
Ear sex

Anonymous 04/23/2016 (Sat) 20:48:09 [Preview] No. 423 del
I don't like the word filter. Isn't there a quote that says people who get their kicks acting like retards will soon find themselves among actual retards? I don't want to share a board with 12 year olds who find "ear.sex" funny.

Anonymous 04/24/2016 (Sun) 02:01:12 [Preview] No. 425 del
(160.30 KB 648x757 1407499379220.jpg)
>the word filter has been here longer than me
>it's also contributed more to the board than me
>but I don't like it mods appease me waaah!

Yeah, like you're not twelve years old yourself.

Anonymous 04/24/2016 (Sun) 02:46:33 [Preview] No. 426 del
How does a word filter contribute anything?
>but I don't like it mods appease me waaah!
I couldn't have said it better myself.

Anonymous 04/24/2016 (Sun) 14:24:44 [Preview] No. 455 del
(1.67 MB 193x240 1440255062283.gif)
Yes, I recall that and sort of failed to find that chap, but that quote does exist.

The trouble with /mu/ on wheelchans is that, just as its predecessor, was and is infested by stupidity. This stupidity follows the inhabitants, for some reason, therefore this place will be just as silly and juvenile.

Pointing this out is often responded with the accusation of being a pathetic and pedantic being, or having a short temper. There is also the elitism aversion which is common as a pejorative.

A very good example is some of the images and posts here in this thread. The solution would be to dominate, or flee.

Anonymous Board owner 04/26/2016 (Tue) 21:41:09 [Preview] No. 500 del
(22.22 KB 1344x496 Results.PNG)
Results of poll

Margin of error of one anon, with that anon voting for cozy on the scrapped poll but the results in pic related are completely accurate.

Anonymous 04/27/2016 (Wed) 17:36:06 [Preview] No. 514 del
(68.67 KB 300x100 pop mu.png)
(50.08 KB 300x100 doors mu.png)
(15.72 KB 300x100 compilation m.png)

Anonymous 04/30/2016 (Sat) 11:47:51 [Preview] No. 538 del
I don't know what the fuck "ear sex" is, but using it in a filter is just retarded.

Anonymous 05/01/2016 (Sun) 00:49:47 [Preview] No. 540 del
dude sex lol

im a virgin btw

Anonymous 05/01/2016 (Sun) 08:04:52 [Preview] No. 543 del
I can tell.

Anonymous 05/01/2016 (Sun) 15:00:58 [Preview] No. 545 del
Is that supposed to be funny?

Anonymous 05/02/2016 (Mon) 16:51:24 [Preview] No. 554 del
(56.12 KB 900x675 57323.jpg)
>tfw I made this
It was the superior album cover and title

Anonymous 05/06/2016 (Fri) 19:25:06 [Preview] No. 615 del
(27.95 KB 300x100 muverk.png)
(34.02 KB 300x100 mu glow.png)
Shit, didn't notice this one. Just pick one.

Anonymous 05/10/2016 (Tue) 09:08:13 [Preview] No. 655 del
(259.05 KB 500x375 1339182667419.gif)
Hello. I would like to place a poll request for disabling this filter business.

Anonymous Board owner 05/10/2016 (Tue) 10:13:05 [Preview] No. 664 del
Sure, It is a polarizing topic from what I can see. I will sticky a thread with the poll and give a 1 week time limit the same as the last poll.

Anonymous 05/13/2016 (Fri) 17:03:09 [Preview] No. 705 del
swell, a new /mu/

Anonymous 05/27/2016 (Fri) 01:26:12 [Preview] No. 816 del
(83.38 KB 461x616 Grimes.jpg)
>03:26 in the morning
>listening to Grime's entire discography
Where did everything go so right?

Anonymous 05/27/2016 (Fri) 01:30:57 [Preview] No. 817 del
Hail fellow European.

Is she still popular? I recall that crystal ball.

Anonymous 05/27/2016 (Fri) 01:36:40 [Preview] No. 819 del

Nah, I wouldn’t say so - I’ve heard her on the radio once or twice, and that was a programme that plays somewhat unknown music. I don’t think the normies here have gotten to her quite yet.

Anonymous 05/27/2016 (Fri) 19:16:23 [Preview] No. 821 del
I suppose where you live but seeing from this video, she seems rather popular with over 1mil views


She is not great anymore, still rather qt.

Anonymous 05/27/2016 (Fri) 20:25:05 [Preview] No. 822 del
Grimes is still popular with me.

Anonymous 05/27/2016 (Fri) 20:44:21 [Preview] No. 823 del
Popular or not, shame she is doing more tedious things.

Oh well, there is the archive.


Anonymous Board owner 05/29/2016 (Sun) 13:21:24 [Preview] No. 832 del
(1.37 MB 500x302 l.gif)
So /mu/sicians, who is going to be the 1000th post?

Anonymous 05/30/2016 (Mon) 05:26:55 [Preview] No. 833 del
By Kek and Heh let it be MC Ride

Anonymous 06/17/2016 (Fri) 05:52:44 [Preview] No. 942 del

Anonymous 06/17/2016 (Fri) 20:35:34 [Preview] No. 949 del
Does the BO require a janitor? And if not, could you clean up a bit?

Anonymous Board owner 06/17/2016 (Fri) 22:38:40 [Preview] No. 950 del
No Janitor required at the moment. Had to do overtime so less time to check in. Everything is clean now.

Anonymous Board owner 06/17/2016 (Fri) 22:59:33 [Preview] No. 951 del
Attention /mu/sicians

Since we are coming to the 1000th post, I felt I should do something special for the 1000th poster. For the 1000th poster, I will mail something small but memorable for the occasion.

So, for this to work I ask you to leave your email on any post you feel could possibly be the 1000th post (not too hard to judge given the speed of the board). I will then contact you to receive your postal details which can be a PO box if you prefer.

Good luck

Anonymous 06/17/2016 (Fri) 23:18:07 [Preview] No. 952 del
(499.63 KB 500x359 George Clap.gif)
Appreciate it, Bo.

Anonymous Board owner 06/18/2016 (Sat) 17:53:39 [Preview] No. 964 del
Thanks anon, also, the time may vary on receiving the gift. I am still deciding whether to just mail it direct to the recipient or mail it to me so I can write a little message and sign the gift for the occasion and send it out. I will come to a decision nearer the time I guess.

Edit 1:

Also, this will be the final post for me until the 1000th post since I don't want to fuck it up. I will just keep editing this post for info.

Edit 2:

Top 5 boards again, noice :^)
Edited last time by Wez on 06/19/2016 (Sun) 11:18:46.

Anonymous 06/25/2016 (Sat) 18:15:29 [Preview] No. 1001 del
(9.49 KB 300x100 mu.jpeg)
>word filters
You are a faggot

Anonymous 06/25/2016 (Sat) 23:18:32 [Preview] No. 1022 del
>4 : Only discussion related to music is permitted. Off topic threads will be deleted.

With possibility of being called a little b with a little p, I would like to request a deletion on the grounds of rule 4.

Anonymous 06/25/2016 (Sat) 23:54:58 [Preview] No. 1024 del
He said he likes music. That's discussion related to music.

You can see that there's even a question in the thread asking what kind of music the man in OP's pic listens to.

Anonymous 06/26/2016 (Sun) 00:12:42 [Preview] No. 1028 del
(28.13 KB 468x322 1384655143.jpg)
>I would like to request a deletion

Anonymous 06/26/2016 (Sun) 00:20:33 [Preview] No. 1029 del
>I would like to request a deletion
yuo gey budy?

Anonymous 06/26/2016 (Sun) 00:25:26 [Preview] No. 1031 del
It's clearly not about music but mere shitposting. Kill cancer where it roams and grows.


Are you stupid? What is wrong with your head?

Anonymous 06/26/2016 (Sun) 09:32:00 [Preview] No. 1038 del
>someone makes a reasonable response
>samefag a couple more shitposts supporting his response
>therefore, his reasoning is bad because it agrees with what shitposters say
the easiest way to smear the opposing side is to pretend you're one of them and do stupid shit.

Anonymous Board owner 06/26/2016 (Sun) 15:10:56 [Preview] No. 1041 del
In regards to the 1000th post get I will be simply locking the thread down to two reasons

1. As this anon said >>1024 , The OP of that thread did mention music but It was obviously shitposting but this brings me on to the main important point

2. It was the 1000th post. We managed to get post cucked by another board who pretty much stole it. If you are going to be pissed about a crappy get, make sure it doesn't happen next time and grab the get for /mu/.

Anonymous 06/27/2016 (Mon) 13:54:29 [Preview] No. 1048 del
Still not stupid enough, is it.

Anonymous 06/27/2016 (Mon) 14:58:35 [Preview] No. 1059 del
(29.61 KB 300x100 randomBanner.js.png)
So I'd like to request the removal of this shitty pigchan banner. I really don't want to read Josh or anything related when I come here for some tunes. Also it is fucking disgusting and many of the anons here simply don't give a fuck for Jim's playgound.

And what about >pic related?
On a scale of 1-10 how butthurt are you, BO?
Maybe you could remove this one as well.


Oh and you just went full retard, you know ...

Anonymous Board owner 06/27/2016 (Mon) 15:25:38 [Preview] No. 1060 del
Can you please verify which "Pigchan" banner you are talking about? Also

>Also it is fucking disgusting and many of the anons here simply don't give a fuck for Jim's playgound.

Clarify? Are you promoting finitechan?

Also, the banner you are showing on your post was humor. I have used posts I found funny or ridiculous as banners previously. The context of the banner being a reminder for /mu/ to make sure to claim gets for themselves. It was humor. Since I submitted the banner I will take it down. But user banners will need to go to poll. Also, you are triggered by the name "Josh"?

Anonymous 06/27/2016 (Mon) 15:33:49 [Preview] No. 1061 del
>I really don't want to read Josh or anything related when I come here for some tunes.
>Also it is fucking disgusting and many of the anons here simply don't give a fuck for Jim's playgound.

Anonymous 06/27/2016 (Mon) 16:00:16 [Preview] No. 1063 del

Anonymous 06/27/2016 (Mon) 16:04:56 [Preview] No. 1064 del
I really dislike how abused the word "safespace" has been.

How about you do everything as you do, but use no buzzword? Think you can do that?

Anonymous Board owner 06/27/2016 (Mon) 16:23:26 [Preview] No. 1065 del
If it is this >>43 it will have to go to a poll since it's mob rule here concerning user content. I'll set one up now.

Anonymous Board owner 06/27/2016 (Mon) 16:34:51 [Preview] No. 1066 del

Link is here. http://www.anonvote.com/poll/k533449ec

I am giving until Friday for the results to be verified.

Anonymous Board owner 07/01/2016 (Fri) 16:50:27 [Preview] No. 1109 del
(48.72 KB 751x427 123344563341.PNG)
Poll results and such

Since the vote was to take down the banner (see pic related), I will oblige and do so. As you can see, I will use a poll for decisions regarding the userbase into the future so make sure to keep track of this sticky /mu/sicians so you don't miss out on voting if it arises.

Anonymous Board owner 07/06/2016 (Wed) 22:19:00 [Preview] No. 1163 del
Hello /mu/sicians, what would be your opinion on me doing a stream centered around music (voice only on my part) or a plug.dj group so we could chill out sometime? Would you join at a certain time?

Anonymous 07/07/2016 (Thu) 10:48:06 [Preview] No. 1164 del
(19.72 KB 200x292 1375777886038.jpg)
No matter how punchable your voice is, some of us will inevitably join.

What time works for you?

Anonymous 07/07/2016 (Thu) 12:02:38 [Preview] No. 1165 del
I think the few /mu/ visitors would at least check it out. How about this weekend? A radio /mu/ would be pretty sweet, but then again we are very few.

Anonymous 07/07/2016 (Thu) 16:48:41 [Preview] No. 1170 del
Considering that, I might just do a plug.dj group since I wish to remain completely anonymous. My nationality will be given away. Not that it's crucial info but being a BO is easier when the users have imagine who you are than know who I am.

As long as you guys are up for a few drinks and music I'm happy. I'll give a time tomorrow.

Anonymous 07/07/2016 (Thu) 16:51:58 [Preview] No. 1171 del
>drinks and music
fuck yeah, i'm in

Anonymous 07/07/2016 (Thu) 20:01:51 [Preview] No. 1173 del
(731.21 KB 540x304 Brutal.gif)
Let's all get fucking hammered and listen to music together. Do it.

Anonymous Board owner 07/07/2016 (Thu) 22:27:30 [Preview] No. 1186 del
Just to let you guys know, I will be making a permanent sticky related to the /mu/ get-togethers since I want to reserve this thread for meta posts.

Anonymous Board owner 07/08/2016 (Fri) 09:48:35 [Preview] No. 1193 del
(3.78 MB 5312x2988 foto_no_exif.jpg)
Going to give a time for the /mu/ hangout in 8 hours or so. Just on my lunch break chlling out with pigeons.

Anonymous 07/08/2016 (Fri) 10:40:57 [Preview] No. 1197 del
(20.66 KB 337x316 34132.jpg)
Stop being so obsessed with wanting us to stalk you - nobody gives a single fuck.

I've started drinking, regardless.

Anonymous 07/08/2016 (Fri) 11:25:11 [Preview] No. 1200 del
(7.68 MB 358x288 loads.webm)
Ah shut up, ye twat with the expressive illustrations.

Anonymous 07/08/2016 (Fri) 12:20:00 [Preview] No. 1201 del
>Going to give a time for the /mu/ hangout in 8 hours or so.
wtf is a /mu/ hangout?

Anonymous 07/08/2016 (Fri) 12:23:45 [Preview] No. 1202 del
/mu/ users hanging out and playing music. It is not complicated.

Anonymous Board owner 07/09/2016 (Sat) 15:12:06 [Preview] No. 1240 del
/mu/ is in the top 3!

Anonymous 07/10/2016 (Sun) 00:25:26 [Preview] No. 1242 del
(3.23 MB 500x482 eLw7m.gif)
Why delete? Could have just undone the sticking.

Anonymous 07/10/2016 (Sun) 00:28:30 [Preview] No. 1243 del
Where's the fucking link for the room?

Anonymous 07/10/2016 (Sun) 01:15:17 [Preview] No. 1245 del
Sorry. Left an hour after deadline but was still interested in listening on to music. Got high and almost forgot to unsticky. Somehow thought the delete button was unsticky. No melting my face off. Shit

Anonymous 07/17/2016 (Sun) 18:42:41 [Preview] No.1300 del
Not a single mention.

That's it, I'm out.

Anonymous 07/17/2016 (Sun) 23:07:18 [Preview] No. 1316 del

Anonymous 10/31/2016 (Mon) 23:45:47 [Preview] No. 1392 del
whew lad

Anonymous 12/17/2016 (Sat) 10:38:20 [Preview] No.1564 del

Anonymous 03/13/2021 (Sat) 00:30:28 [Preview] No.1834 del
crazy person right here

Anonymous 02/27/2022 (Sun) 17:10:30 [Preview] No.1879 del

https://youtube.com/watch?v=UIxD1WjT8Rw [Embed]

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