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Bohemian Grove 2024 Infiltrated By Citizen Journalists! HOURS Of Footage Leaked To Alex Jones! Reader 07/15/2024 (Mon) 03:19 Id: e97a99 [Preview] No. 22705
Bohemian Grove 2024 Infiltrated By Citizen Journalists! HOURS Of Footage Leaked To Alex Jones!

Do you remember when Alex Jones infiltrated and recorded scenes of the Satanic rituals of Bohemian Grove back in the early 2000s? Did you think that was some tin foil conspiracy?

Well brace yourselves. 20 citizen journalists have leaked HOURS of covertly recorded footage of their worship for Satan, and it's all coming out on Twitter X along with a new documentary!

Many prominent Democrats AND Republicans.... THEY WORSHIP SATAN! They are part of a uniparty Satanic cult and it is going to soon be EXPOSED for the world to see!

Alex Jones exclusively brings you epic bombshell footage of the 2024 Bohemian Grove ritual in California captured by a citizen journalist organization. This is the New World Order religion! Share this critical link to wake up the people!


Alex Jones explains how a citizen journalist organization caught bizarre Bohemian Grove rituals on video, as well as establishment Republicans plotting against President Trump:


Behold the New World Order's occult anti-human religion of darkness and share this powerful link!

Reader 07/15/2024 (Mon) 11:54 Id: d9f70e [Preview] No.22707 del
Yeah, I remember this from way back when he originally infiltrated. No evidence of "THEY WORSHIP SATAN" this time around. Last time, there was way more material. The elimination of care owl ceremony and all that. He's still a piece of shit now. Fuck him.

Reader 07/15/2024 (Mon) 15:54 Id: fde427 [Preview] No.22708 del
It wasn't Alex doing the work this time around, it was 20 citizen journalists, 2 of them got caught and arrested, 18 continued their duty and recorded as much as they could. Since Alex started the whole Bohemian Grove coverage they decided to leak copies of all the footage to him, allegedly hours of it.

Question is.... will it prove what Alex was saying was correct? Was it some devil worship cult and who was attending? We'll have to wait and find out later as it gets reported on further.

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