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Russia Developing New Space Based EMP Nuke: Fuck Around With Russia, Back To The Stone Age! Reader 07/18/2024 (Thu) 20:18 Id: 27a8a8 [Preview] No. 22718
Russia Developing New Space Based EMP Nuke: Fuck Around With Russia, Back To The Stone Age!

Russia’s development of a space-based nuclear weapons system poses a threat to “the entire modern way of life,” according to a top U.S. general.

“It’s a completely indiscriminate weapon,” Gen. Stephen Whiting, the commander of U.S. Space Command, told the Aspen Security Forum on Wednesday. “It would affect the United States satellites, Chinese satellites, Russian satellites, European satellites, Indian satellites, Japanese satellites. And so, it’s really holding at risk the entire modern way of life. And it’s just an incredibly reckless decision.”

The anxiety over a potential Russian deployment of a nuclear weapon into space has percolated in public discussions of nuclear arms and national security since February, when the Biden administration briefed Congress on the emerging Russian weapon. And while a White House official at the time said that such a weapon could not “cause physical destruction here on Earth,” another senior officer emphasized the far-reaching ramifications of such a weapon.

“If they were to detonate a nuclear weapon in space, it is not just going to affect military targets,” Air Force Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Kruse, the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said during an appearance alongside Whiting. “The issue is, everything that’s in line of sight at low earth orbit is going to have immediate effects.”

Kruse noted that US intelligence officials have been tracking the project “for almost a decade,” saying Russia is “getting close” to finishing their preparations. The system is just one example of how Russia — and, perhaps even more significantly, China — are racing to expand their ability to attack U.S. assets in space.

This is something EVERY major nation should be developing, consider such powerful technology actually fortifying and ensuring national sovereignty for each country that has such defensive capability.

“China aims to displace the United States as the global leader in space … and it counts on what they perceive as a U.S. over-reliance on space, and it intends to hold that capability at risk,” he said. “Both Russia and China view the use of space early on, even ahead of conflict, as important capabilities to deter or to compel behaviors.”

“Where we see that taking place is just a tremendous increase in directed energy weapons, in electronic warfare, in anti-satellite capabilities,” Kruse said. “Their on-orbit technology demonstrators are demonstrating some capability and intent that really does have military applications.”

In Kruse’s telling, the space-based nuclear weapon is an example of Russia looking for “asymmetric” weapons to offset their relative weaknesses in conventional terms.”


Reader 07/19/2024 (Fri) 03:25 Id: fa1ace [Preview] No.22719 del
You know what? Society could use it. We've become too complacent with our modern amenities. This technology we have now is only a blip in our timeline.

Reader 07/19/2024 (Fri) 13:22 Id: 27a8a8 [Preview] No.22720 del
I believe if every nuclear superpower had this ability, world wars would come to an end. It would be a mutually assured stone age, not limited to simply destruction. Think about that for a minute. What government really wants to bring back the stone age? They would be destroying their own power by doing so. They would ruin their own surveillance systems, their own satellite communications, their own energy grid. It would destroy those very governments as well entire nations. That being said I think this is a wonderful ultimatum because it re-enforces peace in the world. America should be developing this. China should. India should. Iran should. On and on.

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