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In Blowback To NATO Arming Ukraine, Russia Is Now Arming Iran & Syria Reader 08/05/2024 (Mon) 18:41 Id: f4827f [Preview] No. 22780
In Blowback To NATO Arming Ukraine, Russia Is Now Arming Iran & Syria

On Monday as the Middle East approaches zero hour of Iran's expected major retaliation attack on Israel, there is a Russian defense delegation in Tehran, and a US defense delegation in Tel Aviv. How is that for symmetry among enemies?

Russia's RIA Novosti news agency described the focus of the talks as "strengthening bilateral cooperation in a wide range of spheres including security" - and the meetings come amid growing speculation that Russia is actively helping the Islamic Republic to thwart potential Israeli attacks.

Russia has "strongly condemned" the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran last Wednesday. Iran considered the brazen act as tantamount to assassinating an official head of state while on an official visit. President Pezeshkian has meanwhile hailed Moscow as a "valued strategic ally."

There has of late been much speculation that President Putin is ready to give greater support to America's rivals and enemies in the Middle East as 'payback' for Washington's support to Ukraine over the past more than two years.

Both Israel and Iran have been rallying global allies to their respective sides. Iran on Monday announced it has called for an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to discuss the assassination of Haniyeh and to gain support for a military response. That meeting is planned for Wednesday.

The Guardian has said Tehran officials will at the meeting attempt convince Arab nations to give political backing to its right of retribution. This strongly suggests in the meantime that a major attack likely won't come Monday or Tuesday, but the anticipation could stretch into later this week.


Reader 08/05/2024 (Mon) 19:29 Id: cebcf5 [Preview] No.22782 del
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Speculation that Putin is willing to arm Iran against Israel is just that. Speculation. The meeting is very likely happening to talk Iran down. Putin is Russia's version of American politicians when it comes to Israel. He will never bring the might of Russia down on them no matter the circumstances.

Reader 08/06/2024 (Tue) 15:50 Id: 06b2c3 [Preview] No.22783 del
From the news that has come out, and according to various sources, Russia is trying to defuse a major conflict between Israel and Iran at the same time providing arms to Iran and Syria as a deterrent, putting the US and Israel on notice Iran will be able to defend themselves if they decide to instigate a full blown war. China too has said they would defend Iran if it escalated. The reason is simple. Iran has tons of resources. They are also oil rich. They also produce advanced drone technology to China and Russia. Iran is also a part of the BRICS+ trade union and a strategic ally to both China and Russia. It's not that they have any beef with Israel. They are simply protecting one of their strategic allies and trying to convince Israel to calm down telling them it isn't worth escalation. I think they are trying to calm Iran down too by getting on their good side and providing support.

Reader 08/12/2024 (Mon) 15:23 Id: 8cc3ba [Preview] No.22789 del
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>might of Russia

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