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First NATO Country, Turkey, Officially Applies To Join BRICS Reader 09/02/2024 (Mon) 19:06 Id: dd939b [Preview] No. 22875
First NATO Country, Turkey, Officially Applies To Join BRICS

Turkey has now offically submitted its application to join BRICS, after repeatedly being denied entry into the European Union!!

Even casual observers of matters geo-political, see this as a "HUGE" deal.

If accepted, Turkey would be the first NATO member and EU candidate to join BRICS.

The whole point of BRICS is basically to replace the world's reliance on the US dollar and "centralized" power.

Turkish President Erdogan’s administration believes “the geopolitical center of gravity is shifting away from former developed economies” according to sources.

The proposal by Turkey will be discussed at the BRICS summit in Russia this October.


Reader 09/03/2024 (Tue) 12:21 Id: ceec13 [Preview] No.22879 del
I don't see that happening because Saudi Arabia will probably throw a fit to block Turkey, Egypt too most likely.
It doesn't look like a smart decision from Turkey tbh

Reader 09/03/2024 (Tue) 15:49 Id: dd939b [Preview] No.22881 del
Perhaps, although it certainly would not be wise to join the EU today either, under their current political and economic conditions in Europe. However, if China were to negotiate peaceful relations between SA, Egypt and Turkey, perhaps it could eventually happen. China did the same between the Saudis and Yemen although it took time and rigorous diplomacy. China even mended some disputes with India as of recent. As the Western world further collapses due to fiscal insolvency, bad leadership and systemic corruption, other nations are going to be forced to do what is in their own interests, so they can hold onto stability as the global economy faces lots and lots of turbulence. Don't forget how much the Dollar and Euro are still tied into this massive global economy. If those two fiat currencies crash, and at some point they will, it will create lots of economic chaos and ripple down the global supply chain and markets. Only strong de-dollar/de-euro trade unions would be able to survive that, and that takes lots of cooperation, mutual respect and diplomacy.

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