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Middle East Countries Declare Neutrality Over Iran-Israel Feud, Will Not Get Involved Reader 10/04/2024 (Fri) 14:35 Id: 8aa71d [Preview] No. 22986
Middle East Countries Declare Neutrality Over Iran-Israel Feud, Will Not Get Involved

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Kuwait have declared "neutrality" and will NOT allow the U.S. to use their air bases to attack Iran.

The sudden change in status will make it very much harder for Israel and the U.S. to bring a fight to Iran; a fight that is clearly pending.

Israel claims that Iran is supplying Hezballah, in Lebanon, with weaponry being used to attack Israel. Hezballah says they are attacking Israel because Israel is committing Genocide in the Gaza Strip and must stop immediately.

Israel denies they are committing Genocide, instead saying they are "defending themselves" from HAMAS, who launched a series of terrorist attacks upon Israel one year ago on October 7, killing approximately 1200 Israelis. The record, however, shows otherwise.

Since the attacks against Israel on October 7 last year, at the very least, forty-one-thousand men, women and children have been killed in the Gaza strip from Israel using fighter jets to drop 2,000 pound bombs on apartment buildings, schools, hospitals and refugee camps.

Just this past week, authorities in the Gaza Strip stunned the world when they pointed out that almost all of the bombed structures remain flattened piles of rubble into which rescuers cannot go because of the ongoing bombing, and the severely degraded surrounding infrastructure. As such, they say, it is now entirely feasible that the number of dead is actually between two-hundred thousand and three-hundred-thousand!

They just don't know because they can't sift through the rubble.

The Situation caused the country of South Africa to bring a lawsuit to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at the Hague, in the Netherlands, charging Israel with Genocide.

The ICJ has been asked to issue Warrants for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others, to face trial for Genocide.

In laying out the reasons for such a charge and trial, the government of South Africa cited overwhelming statistics and public statements by Israeli officials, to support their claim that what's taking place in Gaza is, in fact, a Genocide.


Reader 10/04/2024 (Fri) 14:35 Id: 8aa71d [Preview] No.22987 del
Back to the neutrality issue announced today, the countries of the Middle East have watched the events in Gaza unfold, and have watched as the ICJ and other international organizations have done next to nothing to stop the slaughter in Gaza.

Israel, however, continues the attacks against Gaza, and has now shifted its focus to Lebanon, in an attempt to stop rocket and missile launches from inside Lebanon (which are happening because of the Genocide in Gaza).

Israel once again claims it has a right to defend itself, to justify its attacks against Lebanon, but Israel is only being attacked from Lebanon BECAUSE of the Genocide it is committing in Gaza.

Circular logic. If Israel stops attacking Gaza, Heballah says they will stop attacking Israel. But Israel won't stop attacking Gaza, yet still claims it must defend itself from Hezballah.

The whole situation is a cluster *uck.

WHihc brings us back to today: Countries in the Middle East are tired of seeing Israel allowed to commit Genocide without consequence, and they, too, want the Gaza attacks halted - to no avail.

Now that Hezballah has taken on Israel - as has another country, Yemen, which has fired missiles into Israel for the same reason, the Middle East sees the pattern taking place: Israel can do whatever it wants and anyone who objects or tries to stop them, gets attacked as well. These countries have had enough.

As Israel now threatens Iran, for supplying Hezballah, the US is backing Israel. Soooooooo, countries in the Middle East have declared Neutrality, and are now preventing the US from using bases in their country to attack Iran.

A gigantic roadblock has just been erected in the ongoing spread of hostilities in the Middle East.


Reader 10/04/2024 (Fri) 14:41 Id: 8aa71d [Preview] No.22988 del
When a government has to continue to pound what has ALREADY been reduced to rubble, those insane bastards are obviously filled with intense demonic hatred. What the hell....

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