/normie/ - Normie Reservation

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Cars Anonymous 02/23/2017 (Thu) 21:33:58 [Preview] No. 6
What cars do you drive? I drive a white SUV, it's great for touting around my kid, and keeping up with my neighbors, while not standing out too much either. Only trouble is it's a gas guzzler. Just 120 more monthly payments and it's mine.

Anonymous 02/23/2017 (Thu) 21:34:55 [Preview] No. 7 del
Yeah it's hard not to drive an SUV in the 'burbs if you got kids. People look at you funny so I got one too.

trip*** 02/23/2017 (Thu) 23:34:50 [Preview] No. 9 del
(928.37 KB 1024x682 godlikesuburban.jpg)
Pfft first pic is some dude who wrecked it, second pic is some negro mobile, I'd not touch that poop, not with even my metric wrenches.

trip*** 02/24/2017 (Fri) 02:47:55 [Preview] No. 12 del
(47.42 KB 564x378 my pickup.jpg)
I only buy American, and Americans make the biggest, hardest pickup trucks. I don't need big dick when I can buy a big truck and show it. It takes 2 hours to find parking every day in the city where I work, but it's still worth it.

trip*** 02/24/2017 (Fri) 11:55:34 [Preview] No. 34 del

Nice truck tho its a Ford. But living in the city is for faggots and assholes who have a poop job that does poopall for the world. GTFO to the hills, don't waste your time with the egg cars schmucks. They ruined the California vote with the assistance of the fucking DMV.

And only a woman talks like you do, "how long to find a parking spot" heh no real person thinks like that.

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