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Board Suggestions Board owner 02/05/2017 (Sun) 06:29:48 [Preview] No. 10 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Your suggestion will probably be placed on the backburner... But who knows?

Boards already in the creation phase. They will land soon.:

/r9k/ // hikki // neet /// etc -- All these themes are covered.

/a/ - Covered

/tech/ // /g/ // /sec/- Covered

Anonymous 02/08/2017 (Wed) 23:53:18 [Preview] No. 21 del
Will /r9k/ function as originally intended with automatic moderation of repeated posts? It's not really worth much otherwise

Anonymous 06/11/2020 (Thu) 18:47:31 [Preview] No.24 del
a /i/ would be fun, also gotta have a /b/

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NuChannel - The channel that doesn't have shit on. biggiesmalls Board owner 01/31/2017 (Tue) 05:39:15 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to NuChannel. NuChannel is a Channel which is inspired by 4chan, 8chan, and 7chan. It is created as a response to the new-found culture that has taken over both 4chan and 8chan.

4chan is no-longer about fun, conversation, and casual banter. It is about shitposting, "le epic memes", and IRL activism. It is in Biggie's humble opinion that this is not how a channel of high quality should be ran. NuChannel will be a network of distributed boards across Endchan, and possibly, other websites. (Perhaps even with different administrators)

Some important things that you should know about NuChannel;
Politics have no place on NuChannel. They lead to drama, fragmentation, infighting, and shitposting. Time and time again has proven that when Anonymity and politics mix, it always ends up with spilled soykaf. (Epic lainchan reference)

Do not drag in "boogymen" into NuChannel. Do not accuse someone from being from reddit, nor tell them to go back to reddit. If a reddit user can use NuChannel without disturbing the community, this is fine, and even encouraged. This rule applies to users of 4chan, 8chan, Tumblr, or any website. NuChannel currently doesn't have a culture. It is up to you, the user, to shape the culture that will be NuChannel.

NuChannel will not create boards that are dedicated to "normies". If you're a normie who can use NuChannel without disturbing it, you're welcome. Just keep in mind that you're probably not going to be wanted here. What you're doing as a normie is basically being a black male attempting to join the Aryan Brotherhood. It just don't work. Boards like /soc/, /adv/, /etc/, won't be made on NuChannel. Don't request for them to be made.

Security and distribution is a huge part of what NuChannel is going to attempt to be. All boards on Endchan (Where NuChannel is currently hosted) can be accessed via s6424n4x4bsmqs27.onion.

Do not post "may mays" on NuChannel. MayMays are "too fucking stupid" to be posted on NuChannel. You know what a may may is. Don't post them.

NuChannel will always be free of stormfaggots, moralfags, and activismcancer.

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14 posts and 8 images omitted.

Anonymous Board owner 02/05/2017 (Sun) 19:07:01 [Preview] No. 17 del
> This is not a level of conviction that will listen to arguments - as you've yourself noticed it's a result of your experianced - so if it is to be rectified it will also be by experience

I love arguments. If you can give me any suggestions that can be implemented into the project, then I would love to hear them. I do not stick my head in the sand and I love constructive criticism.

> You have a point about group-think but you haven't properly identified the problem and you'll get caught in a never ending struggle against each new case of it's symptoms.

What is the problem, then? I don't think I'll have any issue struggling, identifying the issue is very easy to do.

Cheat sheet:
1: Does it disrupt discussion?
It's a maymay

2: Is it low-quality, or contribute nothing?
It's a maymay

3: Is it neither of the above?

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Anonymous 02/05/2017 (Sun) 20:58:15 [Preview] No. 18 del
>You have a point about group-think but you haven't properly identified the problem
>Problem arises when people learn to dislike things without understanding why they do
The 'cheat sheet' you wrote makes these points even more relevant.
Reddit is inherently bad by it's own design. Lainchan is not, but there is a thread on /tech/ that talks about that.
>You might be better off starting some kind of a forum
I agree.

Anonymous 02/06/2017 (Mon) 08:07:12 [Preview] No. 19 del
Good. I needed a new ccontainment site to send faggots to.
Please be sure to make a /furry/ and a /int/ board.

Anonymous 02/06/2017 (Mon) 08:39:29 [Preview] No. 20 del
documentation on LynxChan or just CSS in general? If CSS in general, what aspect do you want to change?

Anonymous 06/11/2020 (Thu) 18:38:15 [Preview] No.23 del
a /i/ would be fun, also gotta have a /b/

Anonymous 03/08/2017 (Wed) 18:22:19 [Preview] No. 22 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
How are you doing?
I hope you're doing well
Don't mind me
I'm just posting my Skype username to find cool people.