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Anonymous 12/23/2018 (Sun) 08:40:47 [Preview] No. 10170 [X] >>10171
>Internal server error. R9K prevented your message from being posted.

Anonymous 12/23/2018 (Sun) 08:48:03 [Preview] No.10171 [X] del >>10172
its a joke, right???

Anonymous 12/23/2018 (Sun) 09:32 [Preview] No.10172 [X] del
it happens on >>>/int/ when you try to post test

yes my guess is it means robot

Anonymous 12/23/2018 (Sun) 10:02 [Preview] No.10175 [X] del >>10180
as i understand, r9k is a per-board configuration that the BO can enable/disable
maybe it's enabled there

Anonymous 12/23/2018 (Sun) 11:45 [Preview] No.10180 [X] del >>10191
i don't see it

Balrog Board owner 12/24/2018 (Mon) 01:44 [Preview] No.10191 [X] del >>10193
It's labeled "Unique Posts" in the board settings page.

Anonymous 12/24/2018 (Mon) 02:15 [Preview] No.10193 [X] del
ooh i get it

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