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Anonymous 12/01/2019 (Sun) 03:57:28 [Preview] No. 10794 [X]
>I have an idea! Let's go on a killing spree!

Guys. This is exactly what will get Endchan booted off of everything if word gets around. Hello?

>Tor users blocked from making reports
So it ends up here as this needs immediate attention.

Anonymous Global volunteer 12/01/2019 (Sun) 13:12 [Preview] No.10797 [X] del
Thanks for the report.

Anonymous 12/07/2019 (Sat) 21:05 [Preview] No.10805 [X] del >>10806
Bring it up to /pol/ in the future to remove any calls for violence. They will be taken down. The Feds crying about censorship will not change deletion of their attempts.

Anonymous 12/07/2019 (Sat) 22:27 [Preview] No.10806 [X] del >>10808>>10809
No. You live alongside of other communities. Like many other users here on Endchan, I am not here merely to accommodate you or your board. If Tor reporting is blocked on /pol/ it ends up here.

I realize this is not an ideal situation. In that respect I emphasize the following:

1. Unblocking Tor reporting may not be an option as too many others use it to play troll-ball with /pol/.
2. This thread is not a criticism of /pol/.
3. This thread is not meant to be a challenge to /pol/.
4. The Endchan /pol/ mod staff have always been reliable and consistent in dealing with these issues when they are available to do so.
5. Not even our site admins can babysit things 24x7.

Like occasional CP postings from times past, this was an emergency whole site compromising situation without the traditional means to report it. The situation was dealt with. Thank you, Mr. Global. This thread now has no purpose other than to attract meaningless grousing. We already have a /pol/ containment thread here if further bitching about this or whatever issue is required. I suggest it may be worthwhile to delete or lock this thread to allow everyone move on.

Anonymous 12/09/2019 (Mon) 18:03 [Preview] No.10808 [X] del
>If Tor reporting is blocked on /pol/ it ends up here.
/pol/ doesn't block Tor reporting. Of course we bring up the fact that the Tor project has many jews on their team whenever there's a /pol/ Tor shitpost. However, Tor is not restricted by me with any settings. Such settings don't even exist. The punishment since I can't ban Tor is to delete their shitposts. Genuine intelligent posting by Tor users is left alone. I have never tried reporting on Tor because I refuse to use it. As for your other points, I'm not suggesting otherwise. The point being, I as the BO of /pol/ have no control over how the site as a whole works. If you're having issues with Tor reporting, start a Twitter account and bring it up to Odilitime. The Meta thread on /pol/ is a sticky. You may post from Tor there and reference the offending thread as an alternative to reporting.

Anonymous 12/09/2019 (Mon) 18:08 [Preview] No.10809 [X] del
And to be clear, I'm not asking you to accommodate /pol/. I'm inviting you to post issues in the Meta thread there. Whatever you choose is your choice.

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